IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often said that there is too much focus on educating the youth, While the activity of young people should receive more financial attention from the authorities. I completely agree with this opinion due to some reas
It is said that there is too much focus on educating the youth, while these funds are ought to be invested in funding activities for young people to do during their leisure time. I completely disagree with this statement
It is said that money of the government had better be used for the leisure experiences improvement rather than to predominantly focus on education of the youths. While acknowledging the needs for educational development,
There has been a common belief that people who are divided in their opinion regarding education have a vital role in the formative future of the young generation. However, there are some debaters that government funding
In modern society, more and more highlights are given to the young while the money of authority should be expenditure on outdoor activities for youngsters. It is the opinion of this writer that it is better to administra
In this modern society , many think education is the most important for children . However , others believe that their nations should spend more money improving another activities for students . This writer agree that st
Nowadays , some people believe that the government should be invested money to break time activity of the young that becoming an important decision to young people education. From my perspective, I totally agree with the
The government has spent too much on the education of students while it is argued that more government cash should be used for the purpose of organizing social activities as well as extracurricular courses. This essay wi
There has been a common belief that people who are divided in their opinions regarding education have a vital role in the future of the young generation. However, there are some debaters that government funding should su
Education is becoming popular in the modern world than ever before. For the time being, there is too much expense spent on educating the younger generation whereas some free time activities in schools are limited. Otherw
Education plays a vital role in the development of young individuals. Therefore, there is more emphasis given to educating the young than ever before, while some leisure activities should be considered by the government
There is too much expense spent on educating the young generation and the officials should pay more attention to providing pleasure time activities for them. I totally agree with focusing more on extra action because it
In this era of property, the authorities concentrated on the education of students not too much care about the activities they do in their rest time. This writer will argue that the ministry not only invests in the educa
Recently, countries usually spend a lot of profit to educate young learners while there is a statement saying that it should be used to create more physical activities for the younger generations. The author strongly agr
How to educate students is a difficult issue worldwide. It is the opinion of this writer that government need to organize more extracurricular lessons rather than students need to focus on main lessons such as math,.. An
In today's modern age, especially living in the ceaseless developments of the world, education becomes the compulsory obligation of young generations. Therefore one supposes that it is worthy to spend money on education
Some individuals argue that in a modern life, education is very important for the young generation. Therefore, some people think that the government should spend more money on creating some free time activities. In my op
In today’s development era, some people believe that education places too much emphasis on students which led to others arguing this money should be spent on rest movement. In this essay, I totally agree with this statem
It is said that people emphasise too much culture for the young, while others hold the opposite view that leisure enterprise for the young people should be spent on indeed. This author agrees with the perspective of emp
Education play a vital role for the development of young individuals. Therefore, there is much emphasis given for educating the young than ever before, while some leisure activities should be considered by the government
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