IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people believe that junk foods can have detrimental effects on both the individual and society as a whole. They think a solution to this problem would be to add a charge to these items at purchase, whereas others th
Consuming junk food has setback impacts on some communities' health. As a result, many people argue that the government, as a responsible party, should stipulate taxes for unhealthy food, whereas others prefer to say it
Research has shown that unhealthy eating habits create a negative impact on people and, generally, on society. However, a solution has been proposed for this phenomenon. This is the idea that unhealthy food must be taxed
The increased availability of instant food and fast food has revolutionised our eating habits which is detrimental both to the individuals that consume it and to society at large. While some people believe that the gover
These days, it is considered that it has negative impact for people and their society to eat unhealthy food. Some argue that a ‘fat tax’ should be determined by government, while others think the task is not necessary be
These days, it is considered that it has negative impact for people and their society to eat unhealthy food. Some argue that a ‘fat tax’ should be determined by government, while others think the task is not necessary be
These days, it is recognized that unhealthy eating habits have negative effects on individuals and the society in which they live. Some argue that the government should implement a 'fat tax' on unhealthy foods, while oth
Nowadays, a lot of people order shopping items online, due to some factors like: mobility, exposure to more products, cheaper alternatives, saves time. For example, if person decides to order something online they can do
In the recent years social media has invaded the lifestyle of many people, It has its advantage and disavantages. However the majority think that it brought more harm than good, especially Facebook. In this essay, both s
No one can deny the bad effect of eating junk food nowadays on both members and society. While some people argues that the government should take taxes from fast food shops , others think that is an important and cruel
These days, people are more likely to do shopping online rather than to do it in the local shop. Some people argue that this kind of trend has positive and negative impacts, not only for individuals but also for society
In our contemporary era, more and more people consume unhealthy food without any self-control. This phenomenon brings negative impacts to both individuals and the society. To be able to resolve this issue more effectivel
Folks tend to use smartphones to deal with work and home calls anytime in a week. While there are two schools on thought on this matter, therefore I would like to shed light on this topic in the essay below.
High demanding fast paced moderen world has cretaed many negative impacts on people and fastfood or convinience food falls on top of the list among all . There is a on going debat regarding the goverment's involment fo
People have become conscious about the damaging affect of Social networking sites on both the individuals and the society as a whole. In my perspective, I completely agree with the above statement, I believe the negative
Although social media has simplified our lives greatly, it has a detrimental impact on one's and community's connectivity. I believe that social media is a double-edged weapon if we use it wisely. Through this essay, I
Healthy food is delicious source for people can have a good background in mental health, which means we should choose to use healthy food to build strength. On the other hand, all of us know that unhealthy food has a bet
As nowadays people are eating more and more fast food which creates an unhealthy body which can harm both individuals as well as society. Increasing tax on fast food will create some effect but has two sides good and ba
Nowadays, technology becomes one of the inseparable parts of humankind. During this revolutionary advancement, many people believe that technology may make some problems with isolation and changing the base of communicat
Recently , social network sites popularity has been increasing all over the world and these provide some options such as communication. Clearly , in this century social network sites have a huge area of our lives. Yet ,
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