Some people believe that student numbers in every university subject should be equal between men and women. Personally, I completely disagree with this view.
In higher education, institutes should accept both genders equally in all kinds of subject.I am not agree with this idea. Firstly, I will expain why I disagree with this statement with some example and secondly I will s
Equity between males and females has been a debatable issue during the past years including university acceptance. The equal split of the number of students of both sexes who should be accepted in university subjects has
In universities, the quantity of men and women in various courses is unbalance. Some people argue that this is unfair because both genders should have the same educational opportunities, and adjustment should be conducte
In recent years, the trend toward female education has been totally changed. A section of society thought that males and females do not have any kind of discrimination based on gender. That's why universities need to all
Every people have the right to gain various levels of education depend upon their interests and qualifications. Whereas, nowadays some restrictions have been implemented in the enrolment of the equal number of men and wo
Graduation college should be attended by both males and females equally for all course. Higher educational institutes should allow equal opportunities to study each subject without gender differences. I believe, in the s
Graduation college should be attended by both male and female equally for all subjects. Higher educational institutes should allow equal opportunities to study each subject without gender difference. I believe, in same l
It is argued that the number of male and female must be the same in every courses taught in university. In this essay I am going to explain why I completely disagree with the statement and then I try to give some example
Mrs Emmini James Mental health social worker Sydney process counselling and therapy 6 Russell street NSW 2000 10/09/2012 Dear Mrs James Re:Mr Mathew Philip Age:40 years I am writing this letter to refer Mr Phili
Some universities have the same number of seats for male and female students in all of the subjects and some others do not. I completely agree that there should be an equal chance for both genders to be accepted in their
This question, whether there should be equal seats for male and female students in every subject? has been raised many times in the recent past. One group of people believe that universities should intake an equal number
People have different views about that universities should accept same numbers of male and female students in every major. Personally, I completely disagree with this view.
It has been suggested that topic for discussion, the same number of men and women students should be admitted to each faculty by universities. I believe strongly, this notion is wrong so I don't agree.
The debate on quality between males and females is argued for decades. Finally, in the 21st Century, people have become aware and sensitive to this issue and accepted the fact that women should be respected and supported
In my opinion, man and women should have access to the same educational opportunities.It is wrong to discriminate against students because of their gender. But however, i do not think that univercities should accept a eq
Gender equality is such a debating problem these days. People argue and demand gender equality for every aspect, such as work, education and even in the household. In some parts, it is fair to request such a thing since
Some people believe that equal numbers of men and women should be attracted to the same subject by universities . While I agree with this assertion, I believe some subjects are not appropriate for a particular
Nowadays, the problem of how to balance gender differences in subject selection in university has provoked a vigorous discussion. Some sections of society shed that universities should remain sexual equal and keep the