Many people think that we cannot help each one who needs help and we should worry about problems in our own territory. I disagree with this sight because I think that we should have to help many as possible.
There is an opinion asserting that people should be worried about their citizens and country, because of the inability to help everyone worldwide. I completely disagree with the given statement because I believe that hel
There are many people and communities in this world who are deserving of help. It is argued by many that with seven billion people around the world, it is very difficult to help everyone so our focus only should be on th
It is sometimes argued that people ought to just give their own society a hand. I firmly disagree with this idea and I believe that we have to help people as the possible whole of the world.
It is generally agreed that we cannot support everyone who needs help in the world. Somebody believes that we should focus on problems in our own communities and countries and not assist people in other nations. I comple
Well I am going to talk about communities and helping each other, I am going to give my opinion, also I am going to share my experiences with this situation and also I think, well also I want to give some advice.
The people in the world have a identification in your country. A form of life. When you help to other people or other country, you have character because only some people understand your help. We cannot help everyone in
People hold contrasting views that we cannot help those who need us in the world, so we should only be concerned with our communities and countries. Therefore, I totally disagree with the idea that we just focus on our
It is believed by some that people should only attach importance to issues that occur in their own nation and community as one does not possess the ability to offer assistance and solve the problem worldwide. From my per
Assisting the folks in every corner of the globe is an affair which has made a great number of the public, including me, be pensive about their fellowmen. However, the opponents think the other way around. So, they just
Nowadays, most people live in urban areas and this brings a lot of benefits as compared to living in rural setups. However, certain individuals believe living in big cities is bad for people's health. I disagree with thi
Some community believe that we should not help crowd in other society as long as there are problems in our own society. I disagree with this view because I believe that we should try to help as many society as possib
Many people thought that we should only help our own communities and take care of our countries. While I don’t agree with this I think we should try out best to help as many people as we can.
It is true that we do have not enough ability to give everyone around the world a hand. I somewhat agree with the viewpoint because there are many people who need help besides us; however, we cannot ignore the overseas p
It is true that we have no enough ability to give everyone around the world a hand. I somewhat agree with the viewpoint because there are many people need help beside us; however, we cannot ignore the overseas people who
It is often that society argues about whether help everybody in the world at least a little bit or some people say just worry about the province you live in and your nation. But worrying about things you don't have to li
It is true that we are living in a global village. Every country of the world is connected to each other and every individual has a role to play in society. Some people think that one cannot help everyone in society wh
It is sometimes argued that everyone around the globe needs helps and we are not able to help it; therefore, several believe that we should just be concentrated on worrying about our own society and nations. I completely