IELTS Writing Samples Band 1

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Public transport helps save money and curbs pollution over private transport. What do you prefer and why?
Growing process of children has importance in world. The teaching method of behaviours have firstly impact on children, then society. If children are educated in healty and good way, in future this situation will affect the other people and society well . In opposite way, if a child felt under pressure through strict rules during this learning process of acts in life, it may cause spreading of unhealthy behaviours between people. For this reason, a child should be educated in healty way. Chrildren are not allowed to do everything. But also, there should not be so strict rules for them. Because it can make opposite effects from awaited behaviours. Balance is important when making list of rules for child behaviours.
Last year I got the chance to work to work on Government project. The project was to find about how many peoples have studied till high school.We have the website in which we was inserting the data. So basically, the website is tool which developed through Machine learning algorthim so we calulcate the higher studies percentage for our country. The great benefit is that the tool also tells you about the age bracket, and gender or areas wise record. It also help government to check and balance the lower literacy areas.The most important thing which I have learnt that this tools also predict about the future increament or decrement of literacy rate till high schools. Which help us to make th decesion plan for upcoming governemt.
At this time a lot of people need to work longer and that makes them feel more stressed than in the past, and the reason is to provide a better life.
With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched natural places. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages of damaging such areas?With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched natural places. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages of damaging such areas?
There is two types of people who's prefer to participate in different sports alone while others see that taking part in sport team are better.This is depand of each person intrest to find which one better.
Successful people those we admire to their skills some people seen they are talented on other hand they think by working hard in these essay I will explain these different opinion. Firstly, when we see new born maybe you observe some traits before even them talks, so we must not neglect this aspect. In addition, scientists says children acquire some characteristics from their father and mother from genes. Secondly, people need focus on improving their skills by practicing and working on it to sharp these skill. Finally, in my opinion, if we have hidden talents we have to figure it out by asking our family and friends those we meet them everyday and when we know more about our self we must to work more to improve these skills.
As you know, tourism is a significant sector in many countries so, the demand of flights increacing and effect in the enviroment. In this essay, i will disscus this issue and suggest some solution for this problem.
essay, an analytic, interpretative, or critical literary composition usually much shorter and less systematic and formal than a dissertation or thesis and usually dealing with its subject from a limited and often personal point of view
Some poeple think that provide public transport free of cost to all persons 24\7 is the best way to can governments solve the problem of traffic in cities. However, in my opinion it a good solution but their are more better ways to fix that problem.
Art and culture promote harmony in societies, and, therefore, are of paramount importance. While more people tend to pursue science and technology in the contemporary world, the figure for art proponents is declining substantially. Admittedly, in terms of job recruitments and high compensation, scientific fields rank the highest, however, acknowleding the significance of art weighs equally. This essay explores the reasons for the rising trend of science and advocates for the remedial steps that would encourage people to take interest in arts.
There is no denying the fact that tourisms it is crcial for econome any countiries in the world.while commonly held belife that vistors will be speding more than local people however I will discuss both rerspctives and this essay shed light on the cons and pros.
In recent years, numerous individuals are choosing to be entrepreneurs rather than employees working for a particular company or organization. This scenario may be attributed to a number of reasons, including low salaries,perks, and inability to be flexible with working and vacation hours. However, there are many drawbacks to being self-employed, especially if you're young and inexperienced, causing potential failures in business and scarcities financially. This essay will discuss the reasons for the escalating number of resignations of employees and the potential consequences, which could lead to your dream life or, conversely, defeat in some cases.
We all know that unemployemt is alway there for some reasons, but developed countries have will provide benifits from government and expecting them to do community service to other people which maybe benificial in one way but if we see other way it may not be the good thing. So lets discuss that in detail in the following paragraph.
the high cost and complicity of replacing the emission sources by natural power, are big problems in which prevent the globe from using it. I firmly disagree with this statment, beacuse of
The given information shows that there are two different opinion. First one shows all wild animals should be protected and on the other hand suggested only few wild animals should be protected. Personally, I would like to say that both opinions are have persuasive power.
There is no denying the fact that the activity of large multinational corporations. While it is a commonly held belief that the large of multinational corporations activity, there is also an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that the large job creation often establish factories, officees and supply chains in developing nations, to begin with, multinational corporations, In other words, technology transfer
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