This bar graph displays the sum of both women and men college alumnus from 1995 to 2015. Generally, the number of men college degree holders is much higher than women graduates through the years. In 1995, around 37000 women graduated from college, which is less than 6000 graduates of men. But in 2005, the total number of male graduates increased much more than in 1995. The numerals of male graduates multiplied by 17000 that year to 60000. Whereas the proportion of women graduates extended by 3000, then reached to 40000. In 2015, the total number of graduates escalated even more, with male graduates boosted dramatically than in previous years to 77000. On the other hand, the number of female graduates also increased to 50000, but the number is still much lower than the figure of male graduates shown in this graph. In summary, the total number of college alumnus continuously increased over the two decades, from 1995 to 2015 ,however women graduates were lower than men college graduate...