Opinion is divided on whether 8 humans should focus concentrate on animal cwelfare humans should focus more on their psychological halth problems. I am of the opinion that humand welfare should deserves more concern. Admittedly, Animals are all adorable creatures and merit affection and tour of humane treatment. But in Some cases, humans Just go too far with showing their animals affection. Some people actually out of their ways, regardless of their financial bong capacity or relation human interactions just to treat animals " right " s people tend to when people are su from certain problems, thy still do the best they can to worship their pets. tlumans tend to forget that animals per are considered their friends and friends don't want to see the other get hurt or suffer because of them. Animals ' welfare should not be pur above human's happiness. & For instance, if a person Is not happy with their lives and co own aper, this they might use the pets...