The physical activities plays a prominent role in everyone's life ,without considering age group.A certain group of persons are indulged in sports events during their adolescence ,however physical exercise got diminished after entering in adulthood age. In my view,lifestyle is crucial factor in such cases, the root causes are explained with evidences as well as solutions are discussed ,also in this essay. To embark upon, mature individuals have more responsibilities towards family and work station.Due to hectic schedules,they have more priorities towards their livelihood as well as earning name,fame ,and money during adulthood. Furthermore, due to multitasking nature, less leisure time is spent in recreational activities by working class people.For Instance, in recent survey by USA agency, only 45% adults spent one hours in physical workout during weekdays. Hence, due to high load at work offices made them to stuck there till mid-night. However, the working hours should ...