IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The impact of new technologies, applications, and the internet in today’s life is unavoidable. The Internet changed human habits and daily activities a lot. Shopping methods and rapidly developed so far, and the future of traditional local shops seems not promising. Many believe that they have to shut down their activities in near future due to the growing online shopping demand. I partially agree with this hypothesis and in this essay, I will try to explain my idea.
It is claimed that typical men and women tend to imitate well-known individuals' manners, in particular, the ones that perform on television or can be seen in newspapers. In my opinion, it is a negative development inasmuch as it might cause some problems for both parties and have some negative impacts on their attitudes.
Advertisement plays a significant role in attracting viewers to anything, which needs to be displayed. For viewers, it becomes easy to know about things and places and also about the Nation. In my opinion, I agree, with the statement that advertising always tells us a lot about the country, and I think this way for two reasons, which I will explore in this essay.
The climate crisis is steadily worsening day after day, with pollution and waste levels growing drastically. This makes climate disasters and smogs even more frequent. Nevertheless, options to stabilize the harm done are still on the table, including personal effort not to pollute as well as a waste tax on corporations.
Because of the lack of enough space and facilities in apartments in the cities, people are struggling to get fit from workouts. The underlying reasons along with plausible measures are analysed in the ensuing paragraphs.
Undoubtedly it is true fact that in the cutting-edge era stress level is increased among the masses . Few individuals don't have the natural power to learn languages . Many institutes should push the learners to experience oversea languages . I totally agree with this notion . I will discuss the reasons in further paragraphs .
By and large, the role of sport in our life is irreplaceable as well as invaluable, especially for youngsters. By the means of this, they may obtain a plenty of skills and also strengthen their health states concurrently. However, it depends on the types of sport that they are going to involve in, so one them can be the best for the individual achievements while another one merely focuses on carefully playing as a team. In this essay, I will scrutinize my ideas after having some discussions on both aspects.
Nowadays, there are many decisions that children can control in their daily life. Some people think that if children just care about their situation like what they like to eat or wear, this impacts society and spreads selfish thinking in the community while others believe that young should make their decisions about issues that impact their life. this essay will discuss both views and I believe permission for a child to make his own decision is so crucial.
There are many athletes around the world. But, only some of them become professionals. Being a professional athlete has advantages and drawbacks which I will write them in this paper.
Personal evolution and professional development are interrelated to each other. Personal Development is essential for professional growth in every field. I firmly agree with this statement. This essay intends to discuss the factors of both in the ensuing paragraphs.
In this contemporary epoch, whilst opponents hold the belief that it is paramount to be competititve with others, proponents have a diverse perspective. I am a staunch believer that competetion helps many individuals to ameliorate their performance.
In this contemporary era, it is undoubtedly true that learning a new civilization is crucial for everyone. Several communities believe that it is better to learn about a new perception through the internet consequently there is no need to travel to another province. In the following paragraphs, I shed some light on the merits and demerits of this phenomenon.
Nowadays, it becomes more and more common for students to involve in full-time higher education and work part-time along with their studies. It's either for money or for gaining experience. In spite of the detrimental to their studies, I think that part-time jobs play a very important role in a student's life.
It is true that both some students and employees work harder than others, this essay will outline the reason behind this. Also, in my opinion, it's hard for me to say this is a positive development all the time.
It is controversial that whether the History subject is more vital than Science and Technology or not in modern society. In my opinion, the History is same important as the Science and Technology since they belong to different subject class, humanity science and nature science.
These days, applying for a credit card is very straightforward. In fact, most people use their cards for most of their spending, especially online purchases. There are several risk factors to consider when getting finance; however, I believe the advantages outweigh any possible risks. This essay outlines how the advantages of having a credit card outweigh the disadvantages.
In most geographical regions, folks request and use bank cards and are debited regularly. Although it has helped in enhancing convenience and reducing the workload of bank staff, it increases criminal activities and poor budgeting for the users. This essay will elaborate on the above-listed points and proffer my opinion as to why the demerits of this development outweigh its benefits.
Homo sapiens have a tendency to break the moral conduct from which they have formed civilization over centuries, in a moment of desire. Thus risen crime prevalence should be counteracted with longer prison sentences according to some opinionated, while others believe in novel methods. This essay discusses both aspects, siding with the alternative means.
The use of credit cards is in vogue. Most people argue that easy access to such means of trade results in indebted people and families. In my opinion, the advantages of having a credit card outweigh the drawbacks and this essay is going to highlight the importance and benefits of having a credit card.
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