IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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There are many athletes around the world. But, only some of them become professionals. Being a professional athlete has advantages and drawbacks which I will write them in this paper.
Personal evolution and professional development are interrelated to each other. Personal Development is essential for professional growth in every field. I firmly agree with this statement. This essay intends to discuss the factors of both in the ensuing paragraphs.
In this contemporary epoch, whilst opponents hold the belief that it is paramount to be competititve with others, proponents have a diverse perspective. I am a staunch believer that competetion helps many individuals to ameliorate their performance.
In this contemporary era, it is undoubtedly true that learning a new civilization is crucial for everyone. Several communities believe that it is better to learn about a new perception through the internet consequently there is no need to travel to another province. In the following paragraphs, I shed some light on the merits and demerits of this phenomenon.
Nowadays, it becomes more and more common for students to involve in full-time higher education and work part-time along with their studies. It's either for money or for gaining experience. In spite of the detrimental to their studies, I think that part-time jobs play a very important role in a student's life.
It is true that both some students and employees work harder than others, this essay will outline the reason behind this. Also, in my opinion, it's hard for me to say this is a positive development all the time.
It is controversial that whether the History subject is more vital than Science and Technology or not in modern society. In my opinion, the History is same important as the Science and Technology since they belong to different subject class, humanity science and nature science.
These days, applying for a credit card is very straightforward. In fact, most people use their cards for most of their spending, especially online purchases. There are several risk factors to consider when getting finance; however, I believe the advantages outweigh any possible risks. This essay outlines how the advantages of having a credit card outweigh the disadvantages.
In most geographical regions, folks request and use bank cards and are debited regularly. Although it has helped in enhancing convenience and reducing the workload of bank staff, it increases criminal activities and poor budgeting for the users. This essay will elaborate on the above-listed points and proffer my opinion as to why the demerits of this development outweigh its benefits.
Homo sapiens have a tendency to break the moral conduct from which they have formed civilization over centuries, in a moment of desire. Thus risen crime prevalence should be counteracted with longer prison sentences according to some opinionated, while others believe in novel methods. This essay discusses both aspects, siding with the alternative means.
The use of credit cards is in vogue. Most people argue that easy access to such means of trade results in indebted people and families. In my opinion, the advantages of having a credit card outweigh the drawbacks and this essay is going to highlight the importance and benefits of having a credit card.
The future propensity of the folks concerning the popularity of printed newspapers and books has a spark diverse viewpoints. there are some people who put emphasis on the fact that printed books and the press will be disappeared as a result of widespread use of the internet. based on my perspective I share the same view you with aforementioned idea due to the advent of new Technologies.
Nowadays, owing to the rapid advancement of science, the topic of which world predicament should scientists concentrate on in order to figure out remedies appears to be one that is extremely contentious. There are a number of people who believe that health issues of the world should receive the most attention, whilst some people argue that there exist a myriad of problems that are of equal or higher importance. The aim of this essay is to thoroughly explore both points of view as well as elucidate why I believe the concentration should be equally distributed.
In all the schools all the children must study at least one foreign language regardless of their age or grade. This is what most institutions around the world do. I agree to educate the children in another language besides their native language. That's why it is important to teach a foreign language.
Certainly, it is true that in this modern society the number of people using automobile cars is getting larger and larger. It is because there are different types of vehicles that can be bought starting from a normal price to a brand new luxury one. However, in my opinion, I think there are more drawbacks than advantage. In this essay, although there seems to benefit, yet, I am more convinced that using our own cars has a big impact on the environment.
The idea of limiting professionals to work in their own country is so controversial considering the opinion that everyone should have the right to choose their own destiny I’m firmly against that opinion .
In today's world, many people, especially youth are struggling to pursue careers they are fond of and decide to transfer the jobs they dislike. While some adolescents often change their occupations, some don't, it is true that they are both benefits and drawbacks to both approaches. However, I am more convinced that there are more likely to have a negative impact on those who switch their jobs.
The world is changing into a global place where there are no boundaries to international commerce and connection. This situation may result in more peace and friendship. However, some minus points should be taken into consideration.
In the modern era, few masses ponder that nobody can do the same job profession throughout their life routine. While others opine that continuing identical job descriptions is advantageous for the person, organisation and community. I will discuss bothspectives and share my opinion in the upcoming fragments.
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