IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Overpopulation in the urban areas has compelled numbers of people to reside in a tiny range leaving no outdoors at all. Although this can help them to fulfil their dream in their destained city, I believe that there are more drawbacks because it will negatively impact their health.
Most people in modern society believe that overheating is one of the government's responsibilities as well as companies. Furthermore, there is no contribution needed from civilians. Some argue that it's the responsibility of both parties. In this essay, I will explore the validity of this statement and figure out my opinion regarding this. Firstly, I will show why I believe that both parties needed to be responsible for this and secondly I demonstrate how both parties can involve in making this correction.
Nowadays, It is often argued that traffic issue, especially in metropolitan city areas increasing day by day and for that reason, the Government need to build new roads, and as a result, it affects negatively our environment. In my opinion, the usage of more public vehicles and building factories in village areas helps to eliminate this problem very efficiently.
It is argued that individuals, nowadays, cannot benefit from the former time. Nevertheless, In my point of view vice versa is correct. Where the present people should make the best use of their great grandparents' time. This brief essay highlights the causes of why we should review and educate ourselves from the past time.
The language barrier is a major problem faced by people around the world when they try to get out of the box. Researches advocate that in the coming years humanity will have a common language to communicate. I consider this an advantageous development, and my reasoning is analysed in the ensuing paragraphs.
Most of the tourist places have many museums as well as sites of historical relevance. However, such places are majorly visited by foreign visitors rather than the natives. This essay intends to discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon, and
There is no doubt that technology has changed the way of communication. However, the technology serves both the developed and developing world to communicate in spite of many struggles faced due to political issues. I totally believe that social channels such as Facebook pages, youtube channels and other social sites play an essential role in building the bridge across the world.
It is believed by some that people as doctors or engineers should work in the place where they received their training, whereas others assert that they should be freed from the limitation and opt to work at any place they wish. In the following essay, both views will be explored, and I will explain the reason why I reckon that people should work without any geographical restrictions.
The Internet is one of the most outstanding innovations in the digital age. Although the Internet has the potential to make human lives simple and convenient, it also creates issues. This essay discusses the Internet’s two primary problems and proposes solutions.
It is true that in today's scenario, the crime rate is increasing day by day which is bone by youngsters to overcome this illegal act the finest method is for parents should teach their adults better skills . Personally, I totally agree with this statement which I will discuss in upcoming paragraphs with relevant examples and conclusions.
In most countries, eighteen-year-old children are allowed to start driving a car. In my opinion, for some reasons, it is better to people begin driving at least on their 25th. Namely, it should let them get wiser, and at eighteen years old they are extremely energetic and full of excitement. On the other hand, some people believe that 18 years old is good to allow them to ride a car.
Nowadays, there is more pressure on children from academic, social and commercial aspects. In my opinion, many reasons can cause these pressures. Namely, living in the moment is more sophisticated than in the past, and parents force their sons and girls to compete with other adolescents. In fact, families and governments can do some measures that reduce this stress. It will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
In the modern world, interior design terms are well-discussed, and citizens' perspectives have changed. Moreover, most buildings have been built with an open plan design. In my eyes, it would be positive for social communication. This essay will explain two causes for open plan trends and my vision.
While some students are receiving good results, their parents give them money for motivational aspects. There are some advantages and disadvantages associated with this topic. In my opinion, drawbacks can take precedence over the positive aspects.
Recently there has been a rise in the popularity of second-hand clothes among younger people. There are many reasons behind that and I think that it is a good thing as it reduces waste . So it has a positive effect on development. In this , essay I will discuss these reasons.
I think it is beneficial that goods such as food, clothing, cars and furniture which are produced in certain parts of the world are available in other parts of the globe too which is leading to an increasing similarity in countries.
Nowadays, an increasing number of people started to discuss governments’ priority on tax spending. Some believe that health care is the most pivotal, while others contend that the government should emphasise other targets which are more critical. In the following paragraphs, both views will be discussed. Additionally, I will express my perspective on the issue as well.
In general, developing countries tend to have more young people than the old, which is usually regarded as a preferable situation for the economy. In fact, India where its population is dramatically increasing with a high rate of young nations is experiencing an enormous economical rise. However, some experts in non-governmental organisations often argue that the too high birth rate in a country causes many serious issues. In the following paragraphs, I would like to discuss the positive and negative sides of being a young country.
It is a popular trend that with the fast progress of the society, some violence plots are added into films and computer games. This situation heated a discussion, some people held conventional opinions that it has many bad influences, but an escalating category of people prefer to think it is harmless which I totally agree with. In the following essay, my contention will be further scrutinized.
As technology progresses, it has been increasingly more common to purchase items through mobile apps as opposed to using physical money in some nations. From my perspective, although there are certain issues regarding this innovation, the merits rather outweigh the demerits.
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