IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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First of all,food,shelter, and clean water are vital requirements,so fulfilment leads to satisfaction.thus, more wealth means more convenient access to them for the public.Moreover,rich countries are associated with high-quality educational systems and provide people with an opportunity to receive well-rounded tertiary educations without scrambling with high tuitions.This leads to the appearance of specialised people in various fields who can offer high-quality services to the public and promote general contentment.Apart from that,in countries which stand at the top economically,more investment in developing and upgrading roads and public transit can be seen.The existence of safer roads will decrease road fatalities and engaging high-tech vehicles in the public transport sector help people to save their time and energy ,and make them more content.
In this present era, it is found to be pretty difficult to balance activities. numerous of are the opinion, that it is necessary to spend time on making a successful career, while others argue that spending moments with closer one is essential rather than dealing with the work. In this essay, I will shed light on both views and will state my position.
It is true that the crowd of the young adult is larger than that of the older in the current society of some countries. In my opinion, although this situation will benefit their societies in certain future years, it may also make the society enter the stage of population ageing in the near future, so the disadvantages outweigh the advantages overall.
In recent years, people's lifestyles have changed significantly, in order to search for a better job, they leave their hometowns and their families. This essay is going to discuss the positive aspects and negative aspects of the issue and give my opinions at the end of the article.
In the modern era, people are using remedies to cure themselves. Although in busy life alternative medicine or treatment saves our time, people are suffered long terms because doing their own treatment without consulting doctors. In my view, this is a negative step and more harmful to human bodies.
There are those who believe that it is best for grandparents to remain in the care of their immediate families. Others, on the other hand, are of the opinion that elderly people should live on their own. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss both sides of this issue from their respective points of view.
Talking about the technology development nowadays really affecting many sides of our life which also develop and change as time goes by. For instance a thing that we usually do on a daily basis is read books or newspapers. Seeing that phenomenon I agree if we go over the years in the future and even right now we will change our ways, in particular reading books or newspapers in an online form.
In our modern society, it is quite easy to see variety of opinions between different generations. Some people believe that younger generation should listen well ideas of the old one, still others argue that they should challenge the old opinions. In this essay, both view will be discussed, then I will state my opinion in conclusion.
As time passed by, education shifted significantly. While some parts changed drastically, others remained the same, such as reading, writing and maths, as they are considered important and fundamental. However, with the growth of the use of computers, it is thought that computer skills should become a fourth skill to be added to the list. I fully agree with this idea and this essay will discuss arguments that support this cause.
In our contemporary era, people are interested ted to live more than before. This improvement, however, leads to some difficulties which should be solved. Problems and their solutions try to explain below.
Museums are functional all across the globe for different reasons according to the local and social norms of every country. It varies from person to person, as some of them believe that education is flourishing, while others believe it can also be a cause of enjoyment and fun. This essay will explain and compare both segments of the community in detail.
At present, rations have to journey a huge way afore reaching consumers. In this regard, a number of people argued that eating food grown in local areas would bring several benefits economically as well as environmentally. However, this trend has a number of positive impacts with some negative impacts.
Globalization is a catch-all term that refers to any activity that involves more than one country, for example, driving from one country to another. The dramatic increase in transnational driving in recent years has sparked controversy over the potential impacts of this trend on the individual states, especially those new member states of globalization. Some people are concerned that the upsurge in new arrivals will prompt local hostility against the company, instead of promoting their understanding of the mutual cultural background. This notion should be rejected as one can see many facts in favour of this development between communities.
Without any doubt,society is divided into two groups as per the distinct mindset of different nations.Therefore,this has become a debate.This essay will shed light on both perceptions in the upcoming subsequent paragraphs.
These days, traffic congestion has increased and become a serious problem in many nations and cities. While some people believe that government need to invest funds in constructing train and subway lines to decline traffic jam, I concur with those who argue that this problem could be tackled by expanding and improving the road system.
The modern medinice develops dramatically in recent years. This requires the doctors to extend their role, not only in treating the patients, but also taking part in medical trials. Although many people accept this fact, I would insist that the doctors should focus on the patients.
Healthcare is a big problem in modern society. Many people argue that the quality of healthcare is determined by the number of trained and recruited medical staff. I agree that is important but I personally believe that there are many other factors that play a vital role in this problem.
There is an intimate interdependence of human personality and lifestyle. A lot of people value change and innovation, but at the same time, for another part of mankind stability and ordinary routine are the most important basics in their life. In this essay, I would explain both positions.
It is frequently thought that a salary is one of the most important aspects of a job. The common view is that the gap between the highest earned and the lowest salary should be narrowed. I disagree with this notion to a certain extent and will discuss it in this essay.
In this contemporary world ,with the advancement of technology individuals can buy items from any corner of the planet.A family can form any item around the globe and it reaches them within 2 or 3 days.It has made the lives of society easier.This essay will discuss the positive development around the earth.
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