IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In this modern era, the mobile phone is a basic necessity for every individual. But some masses say that phones are prohibited in public spots. Here I am agreed with this situation my statement and my arguments will be briefly described in an upcoming paragraph with a crystal clear conclusion.
Undoubtedly it is true fact that in the cutting-edge era lawmaker should spend funds on railways rather than seaports. I disagree with this notion to be larger extent . This essay will discuss my opinion in further paragraphs .
In this date and age, an increasing number of ancient buildings are guarded by the authority because they have historical significance in a nation. It is however thought by some that old constructions should be demolished and replaced by modern ones. This essay will give information about the importance of maintaining ancient structures and prove that this does not mean progress should stop.
In this day and age, the development of technology has changed the way people communicate with each other. This essay will discuss how technology impacts on making relationships among people and admit that this is a welcome development.
It is true that walking is an excellent exercise for people to improve their health. However, many essential reasons cause that people are not keen on walking every day. In these circumstances, many steps are supposed to be taken to deal with this problem.
It is often thought that some parents give their young ones the leverage to possess all they desire as well as behave in a manner that best suits them. In my opinion, this is not a desirable style of parenting, and the influence that this poses on youngsters will be expounded in this discourse.
Choosing a location for travellers is the very first step and it is quite important. Travelling to domestic cities and tourist sites or visiting a foreign country is an essential question that needs to be answered before preparing for a trip. Recently, it seems that local destinations are on the top of the list of travellers. I partially agree with this decision and in this essay, I am going to share some of my personal experiences in this regard.
It an undeniable fact that individuals living in urban centres often express their concerns about traffic congestion in these areas. This essay will first of all give reasons for the causes of this and further throw more light on methods that can be employed to mitigate this problem.
It is an undeniable fact that individuals living in urban centres often express their concerns about traffic congestion in these areas. This essay will first of all give reasons for the causes of this and further throw more light on methods that can be employed to mitigate this problem.
Urbanization is a persuasive problem in many societies, more people would relocate to the city in the future. In this essay, I will discuss some of the problems resulting from the increased population in cities, and suggest some measures that government can introduce to tackle these issues.
It is not uncommon to see parents telling their children that they should be working hard to achieve success. On the face of it, this seems like a very positive message being sent to children, but is there a downside to this?
Opinions diverge widely when it comes to the importance of art in today's society. It is often believed that artistic subjects should be mandatory in every school's curriculum. I personally, agree with the latter opinion for numeous reasons. This essay will support my persprective
These days, education is one of the most crucial factors in parts of people's lives. Normally, school is a place where most children are going to study since they were little; however, some peoples think school will be unnecessary in the future and replaced by online learning. In my opinion, I totally disagree with this statement and will give rational reasons to support this argument with relevant examples in this essay.
Several people believe that tourists should respect and trace local customs and attitudes, while others think differently about the host country’s hospitality and manner to various cultures. I want to argue both points of view in this essay but in my opinion, both groups should cope with each other.
Still, now there are lots of countries, who do not follow any time limitation rules for work. While it’s bringing many assets, employees also face some problems such as they are getting sick, and they cannot spend quality time with their families. In my view, this is a positive step and can bring benefits not only to society but physically and mentally too.
Whether watching television is a more efficient means of learning becomes controversial. Some people preferred traditional reading and listening approaches. With technology and media development, more educationists suggested the management of the television, e.g. National Geographic etc. Would be more efficient for our new generation. Personally, I agree watching television is more efficient for acquiring knowledge if parental advice is given and under regular control.
Nowadays, the age of people in the world has changed compared with the past so in many countries, the number of youths more than elderly people this may lead to development more because young people can learn more than older people. I believe this advantage far outweighs any potential disadvantages.
Nowadays, the topic of changing professions appears to be one that receives various opinions. While a myriad of people assume that career transitions may not be advisable, others argue that this trend can be advantageous to individuals, corporations as well as the community. The aim of this essay is to explore both points of view, and elucidate why I support the latter view.
Sugar is an integral part of our lives and in our daily food such as bread, candies, cakes,… However, the government should raise the prices of sugary products in order to prevent customers from using too much sugar. As far as I concerned, I am totally disagree with the view and a increasing cost is not appropriate.
Whether students should learn the history of their own country or that of other societies in the world has been a topic of debate. While many people hold a view that teaching the former is of greater importance to schoolchildren, I totally disagree with this perspective.
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