IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Every nation around the globe should contribute their bit to make the world a better place to live. There is a contradictory theory that talks about, whether the wealthy tribes share a piece of their wealth among poorer countries by providing them food supplies and education or it is the responsibility of the governments of those states who should look after their people. I believe, the rich unions should extend a helping hand to backing the poor economies by whichever means possible and the later part of the essay will provide reasons to support my ideology.
Recent decades has witnessed tremendous economic development, and the gap between the richest and poorest society remains considerable. The primary economy is low in some regions, I believe that they need to be helped by strongly developed nations. The primary needs such as food, infrastructure and education are to be provided to underdeveloped regions.
These days intercontinental travelling has become frequent. But what is the most effective method for dealing with such global moving? Some people believe that travelling on a multinational level is rising dramatically, which can have many defeatist influences on the territory and should be confined to a certain limit. I disagree with this statement and this essay will support my opinion with examples.
Meat is a commodity that has been eaten for ages. It was eaten by our ancestors, who were hunter-gathers on a daily basis along with fruits and berries. At that time meat was an essential commodity, without which one couldn't survive because agriculture hadn't been discovered at that time.
In regards to pursuing education in college, various people think that those who have excellent grades should have a reserved place in the institution, while others believe that everybody should be given an opportunity as well. This essay will discuss both opinions before giving a conclusion.
Being strong and mentally healthy is mandatory for a sports unit to succeed. These two attitudes are like the wings of a sportsperson: A team or individual player cannot be successful without having one. Below, there are two main ideas about this subject.
Success in sports has been a fundamental goal of a massive group of people since it can make them feel superior in many ways. Strength is a critical factor that significantly impacts one's athletic career. The significance of this factor results in some people believing that succeeding in sports is impossible without it. On the other hand, however, another group of people thinks mental attitudes are more important. In this essay, we will discuss both of these views.
Nowadays, there are many people like to live in various countries either for the working or living so some think that the living in a particular country that you should speak a mother tongue for this country can lead to cause many problems in social and practical life. In this essay, I disagree with that because it can help in many situations like communicating with other social and working.
In the present world, cosmetology surgery become more and more popular. There are several reasons people decided to do cosmetic surgery. I think cosmetology surgery has both positive and negative outcomes. I will be discussed further in the below paragraphs.
It is believed that not enough domestic waste is recycled and just by appointing new laws in this regard by the government this phenomenon can be controlled. I believe the only way to increase recycling is to establish new laws in this regard and going to elaborate on it in this essay.
Nowadays, education and medicine are the two most important sectors that society pays attention to . Some individuals believe that the government should pay for medical and education, while some people claim that it is the public own responsibility. This essay will look at both views and I think that both statements has their own benefits , I will explain my reasons for it.
What should be done to deal with traffic jams is often a topic of debate. Some individuals think that the authority ought to invest in the construction of trains and subway lines, while others argue roads should be built more and widened. This essay will discuss both views and express my approval of the former idea.
Nowadays, enjoying moments of life to the fullest and not overthinking about the future and what is yet to come has become a popular philosophy amongst people, especially the younger generation. Living in the moment is one of the favourite mottos of the younger ones, and as time goes by, they tend to live by it more and more.
Generally, youngsters do well in life when they receive an expression of approval from their guardians. However, people are of your opinion that most of the time children are not encouraged at all. while the force exerted on others from overzealous sponsors as regards their educational aspect has disadvantages effect on their performance . Both the reasons why parents do this and their purpose in their kids' academics will have expatriated in subsequent paragraphs.
Nowadays, there are more and more people find surgery as a magical method to change their look. This essay is going to discuss some reasons behind this situation, as well as the positivity of the mentioned status to society.
With the development of society, there is a wide range of changes in the function of family structure and the roles of the family members. From my perspective, I believe such transformation can be seen as progress for the family.
Nowadays, transportation has undeniable uses and importance for any country, especially developed countries. Some people believe that governments should spend the most proportion of their budget to construct the infrastructures of high-speed railway lines for very fast intercity trains. However, others think that reconstructing and redevelopment of the existing public transportation system should be at the top of the government’s priority. In my opinion, the governments should spend money equally on both types of transport systems because everyone has their related applications for people.
It has been argued that a number op people believe that music can be considered as an effective factor that may cause developing a connection between different cultures and age groups. Personally, I do agree with this for some reasons.
There are two points of view on maintaining a bad situation. Some people think they should get along with unpleasant situations whilst others are not on the same page with them. Trying to get to a higher level is the thing that should be done. In the following essay, we will discuss both views.
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