IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is noticeable in recent years most people tend to eat fast food outside their homes instead of home-made food, I believe, this is a bad habit and negative development for many reasons such as health, and cost issues, this essay shall throw some light on these reasons.
About 8 million people die every year, due to environmental pollution. Everything needs air, water and soil to survive. Pollution has dangerous side effects on all living organisms and this is the legacy that humans have left for the next generations.
Right now people are divided over whether academic success relies on an excellent teacher or the student's attitude. As far as I am concerned, both factors are equally vital.
In this contemporary epoch, whilst opponents hold the belief that immigrants should not lose their cultural identity while living among other nations, proponents have a diverse perspective. I believe that they should integrate with their foreign peers to be aware of other cultures.
To begin with, education has multiple levels in which it is ranging from primary school, college and university. Every parent has their own reason either to send their children to study abroad or local because both places indeed offer what it takes.
Technological advancement is changing the narratives in all spheres of life and the field of criminology is not left out. Nowadays, due to advancing technologies in the areas of crime prevention and solving, the crime rate is fast decreasing when compared to times when these technologies were not available. The preceding paragraphs will explain how advancements in surveillance devices and security alarm systems have resulted in crime prevention, as well as how advances in forensic criminological techniques have contributed to crime reduction.
Fast food restaurant chain have been widespread all over the world. It is purported that this development brought numerous benefits for everyone, while some argue that excessive consumption of these junk food is a negative indication for individuals and the society as a whole. I personally do believe that they have bad influences on people.
Recently, there is increased use of various platforms of social media and it is undeniable that it has become a big part of human life. Although some believe that the more time we spend online, the less close in a real-life relationship. From my point of view, social media has its own benefits that why there is a continuous increase in the number of people using them. The reasons to support my opinion will be discussed.
Parenting is an important responsibility that cannot be taken with levity. However, there are diverse approaches to it. Some parents are exponents of the authoritative method while others opt to be permissive. I however advocate for a balanced approach to parenting as I believe the permissive style could have dire consequences as I would be discussing subsequently.
In this contemporary epoch, whilst proponents think global news is important , opponents have a diverse perspective. However , It is believed that both types of the aforementioned news have an effect on people. In this ,essay both perspectives , along with my point of view will be demonstrated.
A segment of society believes that the objective of museums is to provide information although others think that they could also be visited as a place for enjoyment. This essay supports the latter view because it will enhance Creative learning, less boredom and increase visitors,however, both views will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.
As the economy is advancing by leaps and bounds, the attitude people adopt towards recruitment has undergone a noticeable and far-reaching transformation. Under this circumstance, an absolute consensus is hardly reached as to whether there are other effective alternatives to interviews which have been fundamental choosing standards. For my part, I side with the advocates to a larger extent based on the following sound reasons.
It is often argued that the government finance the environment instead of spending its budget on social services. I believe that the state's investment social sector while it its plays a very important role in society. I think proper funding for biodiversity is also a crucial part of the nation.
It is debated that the popularity of e-books will overthrow the usage of traditional content and magazines .I completely disagree with the statement .This essay will discuss primarily,the convenience of reading on ebooks and in addition ,the necessity of having traditional books as some people cannot handle new technology.
Ans. Many individuals opine that it is better to adjust with bad situation, like an unsatisfied jod or lack of money. Others believe that it is admirable to try and hoping for the best . In my view., I believe that people should try to facing their problems. This essay will further explain both the sides and provide reasons as well as, a illogical conclusion.
Stress levels among young people have increased tremendously over the years. When our parents were young, they did not experience as much stress as we face today. Consequently, it impacts negatively on their health and wellbeing. While there are several causes of stress, some measures can be taken to alleviate it.
Every single individual is born as a baby.Then they grow up and became an adult,after living some years and they die.This is how the soul goes on the earth.However, life is like the ocean;it goes up and down.According to the,physiologist the younger age is the most golden phase in our human lifetime.Therefore we must be concerned about how to spend our life happily and productively.people think they must engage with the traditions of their society.On the other ,hand others imagine they have the right to live their existence by themselves.Here I am going to describe both points of view.
The body nature and genes are considered principles to be a successful athlete by some folks, while others argue that success might not happen without consistent workouts and exercises. Both opinions will be analyzed and discussed in this essay.
There are some companies that employers hope to contact their staffs all the time. I will discuss positive and negative aspects of this work style and suggest that the disadvantage outweigh the advantages.
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