IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Children are becoming interested in musing and playing musical instruments day by day.It is believed by some people that students should get an opportunity to learn and play ,similarly read and write.In my opinion, I feel that literacy is a distinguished opportunity for future endeavours rather than entertainment.
Bullying is a big problem in many schools. This issue is detrimental to a kid's well-being. Bullying is mainly done by kids who feel insecure about themselves and they project it onto others besides this it is not the only reason bullying happens various other factors play a role in this. There are multiple solutions to tackle this problem.
It is widely accepted that the confrontation between employers caring about the way their employees dress and the quality of their work has been emerging as a heated topic among publicity. While some people claim that discipline and synchronicity of their company should be taken, I am of the opinion that their quality of their work has become increasingly dominant due to the benefits it offers.
Many individuals decide to run their businesses instead of being employees for a company or organization. This essay will explain the reason and the drawbacks of this issue.
Nowadays. It is an undeniable fact that water issues are increasing everywhere due to limited clean water. There are many reasons for this situation. Nevertheless, it can be solved by authorities and people, this essay intends to discuss the causes and their remedies in the ensuing paragraphs.
In this 21st century, the mentality of people is changed to a great extent. In the 90's era, the situation totally varied from the present time. At the present ,time women are as equal to men. They can do everything that a man can. But in some societies still people do not believe in gender equality. I totally give my 100 per cent to the statement.
Fame, glory as well as opulence have always been a part of the superstars’ world. Certainly, people have been concerned with these aspects being the only ones needed to become well known, rather than accomplishments, which has negative impacts on youngsters. In this essay, I will explain why I concur with this point of view.
In this technological era Personal Computers ,mobiles and laptops have become a part of our daily lives. Due to the ,pandemic many people have adapted to working from home and it has become advantageous to many workers. In the essay I will discuss both pros and cons of this situation.
In many cultures globally , spanking children as a form of disciplinary action is considered appropriate. This is based on the idea that smacking youngsters is the most optimal corrective measure . This essay will argue that slapping as a form of discipline is absolutely ineffective.
Tourism is always important for society. Some people feel that the visit of tourist has many advantages to many places. Other people believe that it has a negative impact on local society and living beings. There are many drawbacks of tourism to society by the visitors such as not obeying the rules and regulations and humiliating the local vendors of society.
Nowadays,time is a crucial subject for people.Many believe that you are able to purchase from online shops without wasting time.Therefore by continuing this method of buying,shops will be closed in the future.This issue will be discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs.
There is no doubt that these days, globalization and tourism have transformed our globe. Some people argues that high taxes should be empose to fix countries environment. Whils others claim these taxes leads to travel limiting and culture minimizing. This paper will investigate both views, eventually; I will draw my own conclusion.
It is right to say that a healthy mind needs a healthy body. Exercise plays a vital role in attaining this objective. However, It has been seen in recent days that working people hardly do any physical exercise during their working or off days and their health is compromised due to this routine. This essay will shed light on the possible aspects of not doing any kind of workouts and solutions to cope with these problems.
In this modern era, many parts of the world people teach their children by themself, they do not send them to school. In this essay, I would explain the benefits and the drawbacks of this problem in the upcoming paragraphs.
Recently, there are varieties of applications or websites to do shopping online, for example, Amazon, eBay and, in Thailand, Lazada and Shopee. As technologies have brought convenience to us for many years, they are an increase in the number of online customers and there is a burgeoning in the usage of these shopping platforms. In my opinion, I totally agree with the idea that technologies have had substantial effects on our lives which can also change the form of living in the future. The reason to support my point of view will be discussed.
It is true that in this modern world individuals' sleeplessness is as compared to the past. In this , the essay I will discuss the reasons and effect of the given notion in the upcoming paragraphs with the relevant example and conclusion.
The efficiency of today’s health care system is become debatable with its progressive improvements. Community has to care a big number of elderly people, with the rise of health sector. Although the number of elder people is increasing day by day, I think that society can easily handle it and it can be managed by taking necessary step.
Recently, There are many things that people can do in their life compared with the past so some think that there are a diversity of options that individuals can open in their life. In my view, I agree with that because everyone can work and study what they want.
Although it is believed that gathering students with the same abilities in one school may be more valuable for the educational process, others argue that the differentiation in students’ abilities is more efficient for it. In my opinion, I think that diversity creates a better environment to learn and it is more realistic to deal with people that have different abilities.
The way of punishments has changed through time. Imprisonment has been a procedure to treat criminals for decades, even though educating the offenders could be an alternative. I believe that educating people at some points, has an important role in the criminal justice system. In this essay, I will give some arguments to support my ideas.
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