IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Different countries have different dialects for communication.Some argue that a new global language should be invented.The main advantages are that a translator will not be required and there will be an increase in the tourism economy,while there is a possible disadvantage of the local languages dying in the future and also companies making it mandatory as a part of job selection .This essay will discuss the advantages of a new form of communication over the possible drawbacks.
There is no doubt that TVs are a wonderful invention. A lot can be watched through it, whether for entertainment or educational purpose. Some analysts think that kids could benefit from watching TV and it should be an integral part of their daily routine; however, others refute it. I agree up to some extent with the aforementioned rubric, and I would like to shed my view by diving deeper into the topic before deducing a reasonable conclusion.
Some people believe that government have a duty to construct of further railway lines in order to accelerate the transportation systems between cities. In my strong belief, I would contend it is obligatory to add new railway lines to municipal systems that are debated about it in this essay.
Nowadays, some languages are going away from communication each year. It is considered that there is no importance of numerous languages existense yet the smaller number, the easier life. In my opinion, I agree that globalization of one would ease people`s life. However, every community should keep in mind that language is a reflection of culture.
A number of individuals want to dress in trendy attire. This essay discusses the importance of modern dresses such as personality and their contribution to mental health; thereafter it explains pros like an economical robe for the poor and cons examples of CO2 emission due to wearing a new dress.
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the fact that roads nowadays are commonly shared by both cyclists and car drivers. This essay is devoted to undesirable drawbacks caused by this phenomenon and viable solutions to them.
Nowadays people concern about an increase of the amount of oil and gas that are used because of a number of population. Some people think that finding new sources of oil and gas in restricted sites, whereas this behaviour is too selfish. In this essay, I will discuss positive and negative effects and explain why the demerits offset merits.
In recent years, there is an argument that the ederly should be encouraged to keep working for some certain benefits. While some people approve this idea, I partly disagree with this point for some reasons below.
fitness issues are one of the major problems, faced by the majority of the population nowadays. However, some of the masses argue d that it is the government duty to decline the carbohydrate usage by the citizens,while, others opin that it's everyone's own responsibility to decrease it. I will discuss both these views along with my perspective in the upcoming paragraphs.
The increasing of health complications has proven that how important physical activity is in our daily life. Ironically, everyone knows the advantages of walking but few of us spend enough time on physical activity. I want to explain the reason why we avoid walking and doing any physical activity and how we can deal with problems.
There is a controversial idea heating a debate over the fact that whether the national budget should be spent on medical studies or findings to protect the environment. While doing medical research is considered to be indispensable, it is absurd to downplay the indeed importance of solutions for environmental issues.
Nowadays, air pollution is one of the most worrying problems that people have to face. So, many people constate that the government should plant more trees than to build more house. In my way of thinking, I strongly agree with this opinion because the green areas play a necessary role in human life.
The reality in life is that the elderly community have to spend their last days somewhere. Let us look at the issue in terms of the priorities of the adult children and why this practice is undesirable and unacceptable, in my opinion.
It is possible for everyone to connect with others anytime and anywhere for private or business things due to the development of network communication techniques. While some people believe that this is a symbol of the advance of society with many benefits, I think this phenomenon has a much more negative impact on both individuals and society.
In the modern era of globalisation, moving overseas with families to get high paid and more stable jobs is getting popular. I strongly believe that the advantages of these outweigh the disadvantages. I shall shed the light on various merits such as getting an opportunity to get a better education , learning new cultures and languages and various demerits such as forgetting one's own roots.
A plethora of people tend to believe that for offsprings it is crucial to obtain disciplines connected only to their professions - while some people as well as I, on the other hand, the wider array of basic subjects are learned, the better. In this ,essay i will further explore this highly interesting and thought-provoking topic.
Parents send their children to school to attain an education,however there are debates as to how best students can be encouraged to get good grades. Some teachers think that school-going children produce more pleasing results when they are appreciated. Traditional educationalists believe that punishment yields better results. This essay will discuss both opinions and also agree with the former.
Nowadays, whether schools or universities, it can be seen that they are using tests as an assessment for students' knowledge more than continuous assessment. This method can benefit students in some ways, for example, students will know their weaknesses in each subject, however, this could also have some disadvantages for the students.
Environmentalists argue that more funds should be invested in protection of threatened plant and animal groups, while other folks think that by doing so, governements loses money that would be used for more important sectors. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the former and believe that these endangered creatures can boost the economy through tourism.
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