IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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The women role in society has changed and progressed a lot over the last decades. Nowadays, the domestic role of women is rarely observed due to recongnition of iguality rights between genres and women incorporation in different areas of labor market. The following paragraphs will discuss the reasons of women visibility in work spaces and its effects on their families.
Certain people are of the opinion that international sporting events might provide countries the ideal platform to exhibit their skills and positives while others believe that it is a frivolous expenditure. I agree, That sporting events are vital for countries to put their prominence in the global world map by showcasing their Qualities. Firstly, i will discuss the economics benefits of such events and secondly, the social impact it has on the host country.
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over the importance of sports activities. While some claim that it is crucial for the society to flourish, the opposite makes a statement that it is merely a free time activity. While the latter is valid to some extent, I consider myself as a proponent of the former.
There is argumentative perception heating up a debate whether the abundant number of juvenile people are brought up by their grandparents on grounds that their grandparents are around the clock in the workplace. While this statement is valid to some extent, I would contend that It bring advantageous impact on the whole family.
Nowadays, most children are more interested in spending time on TV than in the past.There could be several reasons for the occurrence, such as technological advances.This essay wants to discuss the pros and cons of the event compared with the past.
In the salad days of millineum , society is divided into two groups as the distinct mindset of different people. Therefore this has become a debatable issue whether online games are beneficial to youngsters or it
It is true that news editors decide what to put on your TV screen or in the newspapers because they keep an eye on several social factors. Most of the time they choose to highlight negative news because they are more shockingly. However, in my opinion media should give more importance to positive news.
Nowadays institutions promote to the student using devices to study in their classes, changing the ways of the traditional teaching with book and paper sheets in their test and assignments. In 250 schools in the state of NSW, teachers and heads of schools are incentivizing children to study in their lessons with laptops and iPads. The books are digitalised so they no longer exist in book shops.
Environmental dilemma due to humans have always been harmful to flora and fauna. This led to increasing global question for humankind. Although this issue is being addressed by some organizations worldwide, this problem is not being managed because of authority according to some crowd. I agree with this point of view, and I will explain why with samples in more details following.
Over the last two or three decades, children development have been developing more tremendously than ever before across the world. However, school infants are influenced in intelligence and school improvement by their mothers and fathers. I strongly agree with this statement and this essay discusses it briefly for the following reasons.
The advancement of countries contributes to the level of investment in cars .As a result, more and more people tend to use their cars .Furthermore, the demand for using public transport systems like buses and trains will be decreased. In this essay, I will look at the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and draw some conclusions.
It is often argued that studying local languages is less important than learn english. Although it could lead to less usage of native speech, I strongly disagree about that idea because english is important for youngster future. There is also solution to faced the problem such as implement both in daily life.
A group of individuals think that ordinary people may not have the solution for environmental issues, but others agree that is everyone's responsibility.
Today, many people assert that the government must take initiatives to build more roads to address this issue, but others assert that constructing roads is not ideal. However, I often agree with the latter statement that building new roads is not the sole and suitable solution.
The role of companies is to produce all the goods we need to satisfy the request of society. However, many people support the idea that they have also social commitments.
Nowadays, technology and science don't stay in one place, it is in continuous development and every day we have a different new techniques to solve the problems which may in the past even no one could solve. This essay will discuss both views and will give a good example of how this can work.
The issue of use of recreational drugs always has been on spotlight in our society and today, particularly/especially when the topic is about increasing consumption of drugs between young generarions around the world. There are two key reasons for this worrying trouble, but some suggestions can help to overcome it.
There is an ongoing debate between groups of people who discuss the success levels of advertising. Some of them claim that advertising is highly productive at making us buy things, while others disagree and say they are irrelevant.
Most people believe that illiteracy will ultimately affect people’s lives and society. There appear to be some leading causes and a number of effects on individuals and communities, which will be discussed here.
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