IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Climate change is the main danger the human race is facing in this century, also ocean levels are increasing at a fast pace. There are plenty of problems linked to this, however, this essay will discuss the major problems, which is the flooding of residences-and probable solutions to this.
In view of the expanding population and the corresponding growing needs for food, some people suggest making use of edible insects as foods. Yet, this has become a controversial debate among countries. Hence, the pros and cons of this proposed remedy will be discussed, followed by a personal opinion
That men have more tendency to compete in comparison with females seems to be accepted on account of the kind of plays chosen by different genders along with the disparity between men's and women's salaries.
Mothers tend to have a stronger role in raising children as compared to their husbands. Although, many people believe that both parents have the same capabilities to raise children. However, this essay agrees that female takes more responsibility for their children as compared to male and the following paragraph will illustrate the standpoint.
It is certainly true that some people interpret, by raising the fares of fuel; government can overcome the major issues of traffic and pollution. However, not all the effects of this innovation have been positive, although there are certainly some advantages.
The majority of employees work out very seldom or they do not train at all throughout the workday or on their day-offs. As a consequence, they face health issues. From my point of view, people do not get enough exercise and outdoor activities, because of their schedules, which can be resolved by companies or government, or by labour legislation.
Nowadays, many individuals consider that we can watch movies on phones or pads and there is no necessity to go to the pictures. Many support the view that to be entirely entertained, movies should be watched in a cinema hall. I entirely agree with the statement that watching films at home on tablets is more comfortable than going to the movie theatre.
Nowadays, the more developing science and technology are, the more advanced people's lives become. Besides accommodations and clothes, they are also concerned about food products. It is argued that the majority of people do not pay attention to the method of food production, they only care about its cost. Personally, I am partly convinced by the idea for some reasons mentioned in this essay.
In this twenty-first centuary, the globe is dominated by computers and technological aspects. As a result, it is opined that majority of the academic activities mut be digitalizrd which includes taeching methods. Personally, i believe this is not a necessary factor however, it creates various problems to scholars as well as to tutors.
It has been argued about laws being imposed by many nations, in which prohibit people of from smoking in public areas. I totally agree with this statement as it might help nations to reduce the number/quantity/total of smokers, as well as decrease the spread of such a habit.
Some people harbor a belief that sport plays an indispensable role in contemporary society, whereas others hold an opposite viewpoint that leisure activities is more significant than sport. In my opinion, sports and leisure activities are equivalent.
The usage of the internet has made it possible for humans to do almost all sorts of activities by using online platforms and therefore the virtual medium of buying things is gaining ground with time. Some opine that a lot of benefits are rendered due to this trend while some others believe that more problems than the ones resolved are caused due to it. Both sides will be discussed with appropriate reasoning in the upcoming paragraphs.
Societies worldwide have been living with their families for decades, but nowadays, folks prefer living alone apart from their families. However, I think it has various drawbacks for society; hence it is a negative development. To begin with, one of the prime demerits is that living alone can have negative connotations on a person's health; since working professionals u...
There is a consensus, among certain people that women must be provided equal opportunities to pursue and grow in their careers. Whereas, other are of the opinion that a women’s obligations is constricted to household activities & children. In this essay, we will discuss both sides of the opinion and provide our viewpoint.
There is a controversial perspective heating a debate over the proper vocation of females. While some claim that women could become police or participate in their country’s army like any other man, the opposite makes a statement that these types of profession are not suited to them. While each has its own perks, I partially agree with the former.
The given maps illustrate the alteration of the public library now and how it will look after development. The general overview here is that the library will extend to the east, roughly doubling its original size to allow for the addition of extra facilities.
Some experts claim that education is the only vital criteria for developing countries' success. However, I disagree with this statement given the importance of some other matters. This essay will explain the reasons behind my opinion.
Nowadays people are living in the modern society which countless activities that they do in their daily life. Meanwhile, family activities sometimes do not get much priority including nurturing the children. In my opinion, the potential dangers of this are greater than the benefits we receive with two reasons that family is always come first and children should have quality time with their family.
In our modern world, computers play a vital role which assisting humans in various ways including designing and calculating infrastructure, constructing artwork, analyzing finance work, etc. However, there are some groups of people who use computers for entertainment and do some things ridiculously. This is essay will be shown my opinion about playing computer games computer games.
Education is undeniably one of the important factors for a successful career in the future. Thereby, the curriculum is constantly changing for decades to find the perfect one to ensure that juveniles have sufficient knowledge. Particularly, there is an argument whether studying as a group is better than studying alone or not. In my perspective, I believe that the adaptation of both styles is the best option for the young generation.
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