IELTS Writing Samples Band 6

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Traditionally, many individuals have spent time commute to work. In the modern age, we are witnessing an increase in people working remotely, and through this , an essay I am going to delve in what are the positive and negative outcomes people had from this sort of advancement.
Beyond doubt, as compared to past, today well-being problems of the adults are commonly found among the scion. It is also a proven fact that obesity is the underlying cause of many strength affairs in offspring. In my view, the excessive use of technology and socio-cultural changes are responsible for this negative development and many combined efforts by the legislators and citizens are required to curb this issue.
There is an alteration of student perspective at the present related to where the best university to attend, whether it's in the own country or abroad. Regarding that issue, this essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.
The present date more people trust that in spite of the high level increasing in agriculture field but more than nation around the whole communities still go hungry because now life all the group totally depend on land made stuff and In my opinion, I agree this statement agricultural so advance and more then folks spend good past in this future they do not face any problems related to cooking.
An increasing number of people are now interested in finding the origin and past of the residence they are currently living in. This essay will argue that main causes for this are curiosity and media, and the most viable solution is to do research on the internet and through official government department.
Nowadays,music industry has become very popular among the youngster's.Although,the fact that many civilians believe that music is a way to bring various religious people together and exchange emotions.However,I partially agree with the notion.The reasons for my agreement are explained in the following paragraphs.
Part of the community thinks that watching TV is a waste of time for the young generation. In fact, Some new TV programs have been designed to improve the thinking ability and knowledge of students. Also , during periods like these days where schools are close most of the time, television can be used as a good source of mass education for school children. Due to these reasons, I strongly disagree with the given statement.
Recently, businesses tend to highlight new features incorporated in their products in their promotion materials. There can be many logical reasons behind this move, such as to get people’s attention and to justify a price mark-up. Although this strategy is a positive development, it does have some adverse effects.
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate whether the drawbacks of fast communication technology enhancement such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices may overshadow the advantages. I consider myself an opponent of this statement due to the fact that its upsides bring a great volume of tremendously decent influence on humans and society.
Nowadays, many countries have a large younger population compared to older people. I believe that, younger population have many benefits of having a wide range of knowledge and information but when it comes to the life experiences older population are well mature than the younger ones. And reasons will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.
In today's world, as it is not all countries that succeed in the terms of development, the issue of poverty tends to occur in some areas throughout the world. Some critics point out that even the developed country provide extra funds to cure such problems, it still continues to exist. As a result, the rich countries should give support in other aspects instead. It is agreed that financial aid could not solve the poverty problem and other factors like related world organization support and specific effective solutions guide should be provided instead.
To make people buy their product, many companies resort to intensive advertsing. During this time and age, every product that has been released before undergoes some form of refinery at one point in time. However, for people to get this new item, the manufacturer has to entice people to have it, claiming it has new additions. This essay will determine why companies do so and whether it is a negative or positive impact.
Regular exercise is very important for children’s physical development and preventing disease in the mature stage. It is believed that parents should take the main role in encouraging their children to do exercise routines. Other people claim that this belongs to the school’s responsibility. Personally, I think both parents and schools contribute a crucial part to children take regular exercise.
One of the most important discussions involves the right behaviour scheme that parents should have with their children. A half of them believes that their presence is necessary and on the contrary, the other half states that being auto-sufficient is the point. With regards to this double vision, I think that this society needs independent people able to take their own decisions.
In this modern technological world people are engaged in many things. The young upcoming generations are being sophisticated and it became a tough task for relatives or friends to care for their elderly parents or grandparents. There are many factors contributing to this issue. I would suggest some solutions to rectify this issue from my perspective.
Being in possesion of some form of shelter is an essential aspect of life nowadays. With the growing population worldwide and many individuals occupying new buildings, it has become emperative to find out about the past of their new home. Therefore, this essay will tackle the reasons for the current trend as well as ways of conducting research about the past.
It is believed that advertising has an insignificant role in people’s lives in terms of purchasing products.I completely disagree with this view.
Some people believe that music helps bring people of different nationalities from all around the world and even different ages and generations. I completely agree with this suggestion. In the following paragraphs, I intend to outline the arguments of this idea.
In some countries, individuals are of contrasting views about whether huge sums of money should be allocated to building new railway systems or developing the current public transit system. While a variety of reasons can justify the two strategies, it seems to me that major contributing factors, such as the size of the population should be considered before any decision is made regarding the two approaches.
In contemporary settings, more and more people are fascinated by updated versions of some cutting-edge devices such as mobile phones or computers and purchase these gadgets regularly. The factors contributing to this phenomenon will be discussed in this essay along with the reasons why I believe this trend cuts both ways. Multiple factors result in this fascination of consumers. To be more specific, with economic development, most people’s disposal incomes have increased significantly, and ...
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