IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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It is being argued that many people believe that having English as one language globally to be spoken will lead to boost tourism around the world. This has several advantages and disadvantage, which will be discussed furthermore in this essay.
Media have made headway in current times. Social Networking database is one of the emerging services which have diverted the masses in a different form of life. These websites have influenced society on both positive and negative ways. Firstly, I will discuss the merits on the operators and later I will discuss few demerits impact on individual.
Humankind is curious by nature, and it is this curiosity that drives our fascination with outer space. Globally, there are several countries that spend billions annually on space programs that seek to send people to space, discover new planets or simply uncover new information. In this essay, I will outline what I consider to be the two main benefits that can be gained from spending on such research, as well as some drawbacks of this investment.
Several people, those have expertise in child psychology, debates that elementary schools are the time when a child should start learning foreign languages rather than at high school. As this has both pros and cons, I think, the pros are more because the child catches new thing quickly during this period.
Even though its youth takes a bucolic forward, it is the far-sightedness as well as the experience of the senior citizens which can push it to its glory. However, in the current scenario, at certain places in the world, the total number of young adults outweigh older people. In my opinion, the newer generation should be given more priority than the older generation.
Nowadays, most of the companies are contacting their employees through online meetings and disregarding meetings face-to face. However, in this essay we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this debate.
In recent years, many sovereignties have been investing a good amount of wealth in space exploration. Although it is stated that this exploration has certain advantages, some argue it has possible drawbacks associated with it. This essay will examine both the views, though I personally feel that it is disadvantageous because the government uses the taxpayers money for space exploration which could be used to rebuild the earth and eradicate poverty.
In this world of modernization, people prefer small families as compared to living in joint families. Living in a nuclear family makes the person financially strong. But on the dark side of this, family with fewer members can not provide the child With enough moral values and also they are emotionally weak. In this essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small family.
These days, sugar-based drinks become more popular and showed increased in consumption among people. This essay will examine some of the main causes and possible solutions to overcome this trend.
Nowadays, many big supermarkets have become a centre of attraction to buy groceries and large number of small shops are getting run out of profits. However, this became a cause of decreasing the small shops. In my opinion, Both have been playing their own roles supporting the district. This essay will expatiate both the roles.
There is no doubt that people have a different opinion regarding the size of the family. In my opinion, I prefer the smaller version since this mostly ensures the financial stability and close-knit relationships among them.
The adoption of mobile phones is inevitablye growing at an alarming rate in the present century. The usage of these electronic gadgets is rising at a faster pace in the 21st century. In addition, cellular phones can be used now for different objectives apart from calling. This essay will explore the benefits and drawbacks of these modern digital phones.
It is true that the consumption of sugar- based beverages is increasing in the recent years. The issue stems from a number of causes to which several solutions will be proposed in this essay.
In this modern world, people are not interested in doing cash shopping , they prefer to use credit cards for routine shoppings. However, I think that the advantages of credit cards are more than using cash. It has more advantages and fewer drawbacks.
Nowadays, tons of people choose online shopping over local shopping. Although shopping online has been increasing day by day, however people needs to be encouraged for local shopping because not only online shopping provides advantages, it will also provide disadvantages to clients. This essay will certainly elaborate on both advantages and disadvantages of online shopping and will clarify clearly what measure needs to be taken so that people would go for local shopping rather than online shopping.
With the fast pace life, technology has been introduced in every aspect of our life, the
In this contemporary era, the world is changing by leaps and bounds. The introduction of the internet is one of the inevitable things in the workplaces. So, some people believe that it makes communication easier, whereas others argue that it creates more problems in workplaces than benefits. I totally agree with the latter view. It has more cons than pros.
Currently, the energy demands are becoming greater than ever, and people find non-renewable energy such as oil and natural gas in distant and isolated regions. I believe that the benefits of this phenomenon overshadow the downsides.
The world has established itself as an online community. Owing to this reality, business meetings and trainings are also happening virtually resulting in easy communication across the globe and more free time for families. However even though this practice brings about a mixed bag of boon and bane , the advantages of virtual business meetings and trainings outshines it’s drawbacks.
Communication via online platforms has been increasingly preferred by many people in workplaces rather than direct conversation. While I contend that it maintains some obvious harmful consequences, I strongly believe that the advantages of online communication can outweigh its drawbacks.
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