IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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It is a fact that the more the country develop and the economy become stronger, people tend to buy more cars. Although it is very helpful to the workers to have their own vehicles, it is devastating to the environment so the drawbacks are far greater than the benefits.
With the advancement of new technology, people are demanding a more comfortable life, due to which they prefer to use more personal vehicles such as cars, rather than using public transport. The benefits of this trend cannot neglect the adverse impact of chlorofluorocarbon gases emitted by these vehicles affecting the environment. This trend has given birth to many environmental issues and those cannot be ignored at any cost.
As our society becomes increasingly wealthy, and the cost of private car ownership decreases, more people are opting to forego public transit in favour of private vehicles. While there are benefits to owning and using one's personal car, there are significant environmental impacts to consider. The positives and negatives of increasing personal vehicle ownership are presented below, along with a discussion of the net impact of this trend.
Education plays a significant role in the human life. In the modern era, Few individuals think that kids should be taught another language at a very young age rather than enrolling in secondary classes. In this easy, I intend to discuss the some major pros and cons in the upcoming passages.
At times, people have shifted their preference for accommodation from houses to the apartments.Hence, apartments have become first choice for living by working people, whereas houses are still preferable by old people.But, every aspect has its own advantages as well as disadvantages.In my opinion, living in an apartment has major advantages than living in houses which I will explain in the following essay.
Education is vital for everyone and these days people are choosing to study abroad. Studying is important so students want to explore the opportunities and education system abroad. Meanwhile, students tend to struggle in a foreign land, unable to adapt to their culture and language. In my opinion, scholars preferring to study abroad is a better option despite the challenges that could bring in, such as cultural difference.
Nowadays, students have the opportunity to study around the globe, not being limited to their home town and their country. In my opinion, this valuable opportunity is very useful for all parties involved, as they all receive invaluable international experience, cultural exchange and new opportunities. Considering some disadvantages, it is worth highlighting that behind this there is a strict selection and high costs and as a result, this experience does not always have practical application.
The house is one of the most important thing for humans. It protects us from bad weather conditions and dangerous animals. Nowadays, inhabitants prefer to rent a liveness property rather than buying which has some pros and cons that i will discuss in the essay.
Technology has revolutionized the way we make money payments by introducing electronic transaction apps. With more and more people equipped with mobile devices, virtual wallets and electronic payments become increasingly popular. This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and show that, indeed, online money payment is superior to the traditional cash base method.
Access to technology has increased significantly over two decades, and the children playing games increased too.Really in this days children much hour spends front of computer and this attractive for themselves. I am against, like many parents.
The globalization and the possibility to travel at a lower cost contributed to English becoming one of the most spoken language in the world. Some people believe that this will lead to a situation where English will be spoken worldwide as the unique language in the world.
Laws and social practices surrounding maternity leave vary from one country to another. Some schools of thought believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I shall put forth this essay to analyse both spectra and give my opinion.
The culture of celebrities being the face of commercial products, such as drinks and household materials, has permeated sports. This essay will discuss both the merits and demerits of such arrangement, then outline my reasons for arguing that the latter outnumbers the former.
The current period of time many people wants to become owner-Boss as compared to task under someone in any organization or company.
It is a tendency that less people want to work for a company or organisation as they choose to be self-employed. In this essay, I will examine the reasonssons behind this and point out how self-employment could be disadvantaged.
Nowadays, the hospitality industry has boomed because of the globalization, high competition in the profession, women encouragement and stressful lifestyle. Due to these reasons, the number of people buying readymade food has increased gradually. In my essay, I am going to shed some lights on the merits and demerits of consuming a fast food.
Modern era has shown a stupendous rise in demand of jobs. It is often seen that people prefer self financed job than to be employed under an organization. This essay will state the underlying reasons behind this shift along with highlighting its possible corollaries.
In some countries, younger people are often educated that any success can be achieved when they make efforts. Though it can be considered as motivating, there are still some viewpoints that this kind of information will mislead teenagers to build wrong values. In this essay, I will discuss both pros and cons of this phenomenon.
In some parts of the world, youngsters are empowered by saying that any success can be accomplished when they fully commit by working hard. Despite of its genuine purpose to motivate children in hardship, there are still arguments that this message misleads to undesirable consequences. Therefore, the pros and cons of this scenario will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
This has been seen that online shopping is getting popular day-by-day, people can buy various products such as flight tickets, home groceries and reading materials from e-commerce websites. Although there are few negatives of digital shopping namely cybercrime and getting faulty products, I believe, advantages, mainly saving fund and time outweigh the disadvantages.
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