IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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In the globalization era, the world has become a small village, which in results has become easier to access almost anything from every corner of the globe, and education is one of the impacted areas. Nowadays, students have access to various institutes across the map, consequently, they are keen to study in foreign universities for their future benefits, though, this has its own pros and cons which we will discuss in this essay.
Today, some schools are strict about their school uniform, while others allow their students to wear what they like. The advantage and disadvantage of having a school uniform will be explained.
In many countries, factories and establishments should be encouraged to relocate to the outskirts. In my opinion, the benefits of this relocating overwhelm the drawbacks of moving companies for several reasons.
Nowadays, a lot of teenagers travel for studying abroad in high school or university. And most of parents encourage them. We all know that studying abroad would help them to build a successful carrier, but others are saying that studying abroad is not a correct choice because of many reasons.
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. There are several advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
Travel is not just a journey but also an experience that last forever. With an increase in curiosity among travellers, they move to different places to discover culture, creatures and their survival patterns.They even travel to uncomfortable, harsh climatic areas to gather knowledge and study the life forms.
Nowadays, a section of people likes to live in a house, However some people think that flats are a better option. I think living in a house has more merits. In home, we do not have to share facilities like we have to do in the apartments and when we can construct a house in any way we like. There are some demerits of owning a house like we have to take care of all the maintenance in the house, but in flats, it is taken care of by some other person.
Currently, some countries have considerably higher proportion of young people in comparison with the quantity of senior citizens. In my opinion, I consider that this situation can impart more advantages as opposed to any drawbacks it might bring.
Due to the astonishing invention of the Internet, e-commerce businesses have boomed. This vogue extensively affects the way people buy and sell the products. This trend has more numbers of merits compared to the demerits. In the essay, I will shed some light on the effects of the online shopping on the lifestyle of the people.
Nowadays distance job become more and more popular. While some people take benefit by using this way of work, others believe that this type of work is unreliable. In my opinion, I consider distance employment is more advantageous compare to the standard work.
Parenting is not an easy job to do, because of that some people choose to have a baby at a later age. The primary reason is that some people believe that parenting is a difficult job when they are struggling with their work. This decission have more advantages than drawbacks, which is the happy time of parents only can give enough time to their child.
In this modernised era, it is trend to media paying more attention on the personal lives of celebrities. This may benefit for news agencies, but normal people face some negative consequences. In this essay I will discuss reasons behind them and several drawbacks.
Nowadays, people tend to migrate from their native countries to another to look for a better life, either to find employment or to study. While living abroad is beneficial in some aspects, the drawbacks are more significant.
Food delivery companies are growing significantly, more people are starting to change their habits, as they find easier to buy food rather than cooking food. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages about this new way to eat.
In recent days, starting a family later has become an increasingly popular trend. Although it brings many advantages there are major drawbacks like having less healthy birth and age gaps. This essay will discuss that its drawbacks outweigh its benefits.
E-commerce transactions are increasing day by day. This is impacting the local products to a greater extent. This essay discusses the merits and de-merits of buying online and ways to boost the sales of indigenous products.
People are seeking for knowledge and world news. Mass media with its variety has been and remain one of the most powerful entrance of the newscast and information. Despite the effectiveness of mass media, it is generally accepted that media can be useful and harmful, as well. In this essay, I am going to depict the both sides of books, television and theatre.
Tendency to be self-employed and freelance has recently been on the significant rise in comparison with being an employee. Despite having flexible work hours and having no boss, this tendency has its drawbacks, among them being socially isolated and unsteady pay are the most incredibly important ones, as well as it may be a case in the long term.
Some nature lovers have suggested building living temple (wildlife reserve) to secure endangered species.Firstly, we discuss about the advantages of building body shrine(body reserve,shelter home for animals) to protect the animals.Secondly, we illustrate about the disadvantages of constructing these altars.
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