IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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With the fast pace life, technology has been introduced in every aspect of our life, the
In this contemporary era, the world is changing by leaps and bounds. The introduction of the internet is one of the inevitable things in the workplaces. So, some people believe that it makes communication easier, whereas others argue that it creates more problems in workplaces than benefits. I totally agree with the latter view. It has more cons than pros.
Currently, the energy demands are becoming greater than ever, and people find non-renewable energy such as oil and natural gas in distant and isolated regions. I believe that the benefits of this phenomenon overshadow the downsides.
The world has established itself as an online community. Owing to this reality, business meetings and trainings are also happening virtually resulting in easy communication across the globe and more free time for families. However even though this practice brings about a mixed bag of boon and bane , the advantages of virtual business meetings and trainings outshines it’s drawbacks.
Communication via online platforms has been increasingly preferred by many people in workplaces rather than direct conversation. While I contend that it maintains some obvious harmful consequences, I strongly believe that the advantages of online communication can outweigh its drawbacks.
Due to the Globalization, immigration has been spreading its wing in all over the world. Inhabitants are moving to the other nations for doing study or work. Although, they have to face many difficult situations people also take many advantages. I would like to explicate the pros and cons of this essay in the paragraphs to come.
Undoubtedly, automation has changed our lives to a whole different level as compared to a few years back. One such crucial part of life is shopping, which has indeed observed various phases over the years. Some people believe in online purchases however, others believe in traditional methods. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both the scenarios and provide valid references to support the argument.
In this modern world, a huge amount of towns are being revamped just to look modern and new. Most people are extremely excited about the whole idea where there are a few who are not. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and the downsides of this matter.
English language is becoming common all over the world come in the development in tourism. Some people are assuming that this will lead to English becoming the only language of communication. This essay will discuss both the pros and cons of having one language globally.
With the prevalence of the Internet and mobile phones, online communication and meetings are widely applied in a wide variety of workplaces. Some hold the belief that online communication hinders our interpersonal relationship with one another, while some maintain that it makes our work more effective. Given that online communication can reduce the risk of being infected with diseases and save time, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
In recent years, there has been a tendency for contemporary people to access various information through technological products. I personally consider that this trend both have benefits and drawbacks.
Nowadays, there is an upsurge in the number of people living in building blocks. Although there are many advantages to choose an apartment to live in the ramifications should also be taken into account. This essay will discuss both the pros and cons of living in a flat.
There is no doubt that visiting tourist destinations is a popular free time activity. However, if they go along with other people, bring both positive and negative experiences. Care and support can be earned from this , but there is a chance to meet tourists with conflicting attitude.
Modernization is the process by which cities are being transformed under the impact of the scientific and technological revolution. Modernization is usually associated with urban and industrial development. Cities are growing as economic and cultural centers, and new technologies have transformed almost every aspect of life. As everything has its pros and cons, similarly modernization also has its good and bad points which I shall discuss in this essay.
It is thought by some experts that teaching a new language should be started at the primary level in schools instead of secondary level. There are some drawbacks of introducing a language course at such an initial level. However,the benefits, such as easy gripping and brighten future perspectives, overweighs any disadvantages.
According to some people competitive sports should be included in the school curriculum as one subject whereas others think that it can be disadvantageous to kids. I think this move has more pros than cons and schools ought to have competitive sports as a subject.
Online shopping patronage has been found to be attractive to several people. Shopping online is beneficial owing to the convenience and variety of options it brings, but there are also some drawbacks to be taken into account.
A company has announced that wishes to build a large industry near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the industry? Explain your position.
Nowadays, people commonly use gadgets, such as mobile phones, for payment of national as well as international transactions via different applications. It has made the lives much easier than ever before. However, there are also some drawbacks that used be kept in mind while using online apps for payment.
The Members of Logan are divided on the issue of Logan City’s representation in the media through prejudice and reinforced stereotypes. The City of Logan is located between Queensland’s capital city of Brisbane, and the diverse localities; Gold Coast, Redlands, Ipswich and the Scenic Rim. Logan has a population of 334,358 people, comprising 217 nationalities and cultures, with approximately 50% of residents aged 30 or younger (Logan city Council, 2019). However, Logan City was represented a...
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