IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, it is often discussed that parents should allow their children to utilize the cutting-edge gadgets for acquiring the technological knowledge. In this essay, I will elaborate on both the merit and demerit of this debate and discuss which aspect has more powerful influences on minors.
There is a ever-increasing of technology and those devices paly an important part of each person life. But everything will probably has both sides and technology is not left out. So what is the good sides and bad sides of eclectronic devices?.
Travelling is one area where people have their preferences.Nowadays, travellers like to visit those areas where the conditions are extreme like the Sahara Desert or cold region. In this essay, we will discuss the merits and disadvantages on the basis of evidence.
In recent years, it is often suggested that the individually and collectively public tends to use online communities rather than direct conversation. In this essay, I will elaborate on the merit and demerit of internet communication, using science technology progress, in the social industry and personally.
Nowadays, many individuals tend to use plastic money for every month transactions. The prime benefit of this is that it provides financial back up at the time of emergency, and the drawback is that people might land up in purchasing more than their budget limit. I personally believe that benefits eclipse the drawbacks.
In the age of information and technology, there is an increasing tendency to use mobile phone applications for paying for goods. While it may trigger wasting financial resources, I do believe that it has more advantages due to apps convenience and its contribution to ecosystem protection.
Youngsters nowadays are advised to travel or work before starting their university education. Mostly they are preferred to have a year of experience right after their high school. This argument has both advantages and disadvantages which will be detailed in the essay below.
Due to technical advancements, the popularity of computers is increasing day by day and most of the people use them for different purposes such as office work, online shopping browsing for different things and so on. Children, especially love to play video games on them. This essay will discuss the positive as well as negative effects of playing videos games.
In recent years, young students are using more technological gadgets than paper and colorful pencils. This situation is worrying parents and making them ask for schools to demand more handwritten activities from their learners. In this essay, I will discuss the positive and negative sides of the argument with examples.
Young people are always referred to our 'pillars of future'. At their developmental stage, they are easily influenced by their friends. There is a myriad of views about whether peer pressure brings more advantages than disadvantages. In view of peer pressure can give greater motivation to youngsters, the advantages outweigh disadvantages indeed.
It is increasingly common for families to send their elderly relatives to live in nursing homes, rather than take care of them at home. This essay will highlight some of the benefits and drawbacks that have resulted from this switch. Looking firstly at the positives, a significant advantage is that care homes are often much better equipped to deal with the demands of elderly people than family homes. For example, nursing homes do not usually have stairs, and for those which do, stairlifts or elevators need to be installed. This means that the typical mobility problems which tend to appear among geriatrics are not exacerbated. Not only this, but the staff who work at nursing homes have been professionally trained to manage the needs of the elderly. It is rare for family members to possess these skills. However, care homes for the elderly also present some disadvantages, the most obvious of which is the lack of loved ones around. Although it is possible for friends and relat...
Certain people believe that living in a house is far better than living in a flat. This essay agrees that the house is more suitable for living than the apartment. The essay will demonstrate that the spacious environment is the primary benefit of this, followed by analyzing how the downside, namely high expense, is not valid.
Improving the standard of living is one of the pivotal targets for many nations. Most of them plan to achieve this by depending on industrial aspects which could negatively affect these countries’ social values. Although this approach has some drawbacks, I hold the notion that its merits would eclipse its negatives.
A huge number of people are buying stuff online which has a great effect on individuals who run their own businesses and shops. Nowadays mankind ordering their goods on internet without making effort to go outside. In this essay,we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of shopping online.
It is becoming more and more popular for young people to take a year off after completing school, before enrolling into universities. The main advantage is saving money for college and the disadvantage is to continue the job.This essay will deal with both advantages and disadvantages.
Over the last few years, renting homes, instead of buying them, has become a trend among the majority of people. This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of this issue.
Helping people by today's young generation, without any expectations in return, is always considered as an elegant deed by almost the whole of mankind. But does it benefit both the sides or has it any drawbacks as well which will be focused to discuss in this essay.
The main motive of tourist in selecting a destination is exploring which bring a new experience. nowadays, a trend of visiting a place that is well known for its extreme conditions. In this essay,we will be discussing what are the benefits and disadvantages of choosing such a destination.
The popularity of purchasing products on the internet have been increasing in our globalized world. Although problems in ordered products could appear, it is less time consuming to get them online.
Many Nations are motivating manufacturing and services sector to relocate to countryside away from metro cities. In my opinion, the merits of this decision lead the demerits by a significant margin.
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