IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Now-a-days many people go foreign to work for a long time with their family. Some experts assert that going abroad with the family has more merits whereas, others are confessing it has some drawbacks. In coming paragraphs, I will elucidate both merits and demerits and delve my opinion.
Now-a-days many people go foreign to work for a long time with their family. Some people assert that going abroad with the family has more merits whereas, others are confessing it has some drawbacks. In coming paragraphs, I will elucidate both merits and demerits and delve my opinion.
Now-a-days many industries or organizations have particular dress code for their employees to represent the firm. Some experts say that it has more positive points, while other experts has different view. In the following essay I would like to discuss both the advantageous and perilous of wearing a uniform at workplace.
Travelling has become an inseparable part of a lot of people's lives. Many people like to travel to the common tourist destinations worldwide, whereas, many like to travel to places of harsh conditions. These come with its advantages and disadvantages and the essay will further elaborate considering both the sides.
Hard work is one of the most important key to be successful in life and due to this fact , in some cultures , children are taught to try hard enough to achieve anything . In my opinion , a child should be given lessons based on how to try hard in a smarter way . The following essay will inform us about the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message.
In current generations it is much more common to have children at an older age than in the past. Previously, most young adults became parents in their early to mid-’20s as where these days, many people start to have a baby in their late 30’s and early 40’s. this big difference has a significant impact on both parents and children as well on society. I do not believe that the advantages of a greater age gap between kid and parents, such as having more time and money, necessarily overshadow the disadvantages of having less energy and empathy.
The advancement of technology has created a transformational change in every part of people's life; thus it is increasingly controlling thier personal and working life. This essay entirely agrees that the advantage of information technology outweighs its drawback.
In this age of technology, space research is a crucial part of all nations to do research and give better results. Many developed countries have been spending billions of dollars money into space technologies. In this essay, I would like to discuss two advantages that we could make an excellent future, as well as two drawbacks of this investment.
Nowadays, we have the opportunity to travel in any part of the world compared to the past and this thing is because of the development of technology.Many advantages appear not only for the people but also for the economy.
In recent days, the movement of having teams which combine people from many categories of age has seen a gradual increasing tendency in companies. I totally believe that the beneficial aspects of this outweigh its adverse points. The following essay will examine both views and also support my opinion.
A number of experts agree that educating children at home is one of the best ways for a kid’s growth, but others totally disagree with this. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks for homeschooling.
Scientific advancement is alternating a number of parts of our living lifestyle and are now superior at our homes, leisure and work activities. Technology either causes positive and negative effects on our lifestyles. This essay will discuss the advantages of technology that are more significant than the disadvantages.
Cultural discrepancies start to disappear in the last years.In our times, people tend to prefer and have similar advertisements, type of clothes, dishes and watching the same type of movies.I believe that this behaviour is a disadvantage for the countries because can lead to the loss of originality and cultures.
Nowadays, it is becoming more common to work from remote locations thanks to advances in technology. However, there are both pros and cons to this decision. This essay will discuss some of the reasons people choose to work at home and their challenges.
Some children have been familiar with a quteo "Life is not easy". They have been taught by their parents that if they want to success, they must try hard. There are both benefits and drawbacks of teaching children by this method.
Over the last two or three decades, the way that business is done has changed dramatically due to major advances in technology. As a result, a growing number of people are now choosing to work from the comfort of their own home. However, there are both positives and drawbacks to deciding to do this. In this essay, I will explore the pros and cons of working from home and try to draw some conclusions.
Today, women walk beside men in all spheres of life. In many countries, women want to work while their kids are juvenile. For some, this brings benefits like economic well-being and improved mental health; for others, it may lead to drawbacks like family disharmony and work-life imbalance. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
A highly controversial issue today relates to wether pupils should be learning a new language in primary school instead of secunday school. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both point of views and give my opinion on the matter.
In recent years, self-employment is aimed to become a popular choice for many civilians instead of company or organisation. Although being self-employed has some difficulties about investment, co-operation,etc, it also has some specific benefits. This essay will analyze the reasons and drawbacks of this tendency.
Nowadays, it is often discussed that parents should allow their children to utilize the cutting-edge gadgets for acquiring the technological knowledge. In this essay, I will elaborate on both the merit and demerit of this debate and discuss which aspect has more powerful influences on minors.
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