IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Many educational reformers today incline towards a narrower curriculum for students 15 and older. In my opinion, while this is part of a decidedly modern movement for early specialisation, a wide range of knowledge serves as a basis for more well-adjusted adults.
Nowadays, people prefer to do their shopping online rather than using the traditional methods. That is why this way becomes popular. However, there have advantages and disadvantages of online merchandising. In this essay I can try to explain convince and hardships for users who buying products.
Many people think that living in a house is ideal, because you have more space and independence, while some others prefer the security and community life offered by an apartment. In modern times, when you don't have much time to enjoy your home, leaving in a condo is surely better, from my point of view.
A numerous number of people's lifestyle has changed during recent years and nowadays they spend most of their daytime working rather than resting and making opportunities for their leisure. This issue has both positive and negative points which in my view its drawbacks outweigh benefits.
Technology has made communication and work very easy and convenient. With the advent of mobile phones, laptop and tablets people can work from home effortlessly. However, opponents believe working from home is ineffective and inefficient. In my opinion, the potential benefits are greater than the drawbacks an individual might receive.
Digitalization of studying materials has become a part and parcel of today’s education system as we live in the ever-developing world, where schools need to keep up with technologies and switch from print textbooks and other materials to digital ones. This trend is expanding among a great number of schools and comes with a set of pros and cons.
Most of the nations are striving to structure their educational system in a refined way in order to promote value added learning for their younger generations. Few are suggesting their students to enrol in work while some motivate them to explore the world just after they complete their secondary education. This essay will discuss both the pro's and cons derived by implementing these ideas.
There is no doubt that everyone has had a moment of delight or will be happy in the future. Although it seems difficult to define happiness, people can agree on several elements of happiness.
There is no doubt that everyone has had a moment of pleasure or will be happy in the future. Although it seems difficult that make a definition for happiness, people can agree on several elements of happiness.
Artists wants to portray his thoughts, imaginations, and visualizations without any pressure or harassment by government, political or influential leaders, public figures, and media channels. However, many people think that freedom of expressions is a basic and primary right of every artist. I also agree with the freedom of expressions and respect art work.
Having a multi-language skills works as a boon especially English. In most of the nations learning English language comes in second position in the educational institutions. While, in some countries, kids do not wait for schools they can start learning from their kinder garden. This treatise will shed light on both merit and demerits of this situation in subsequent subsections.
These days, the traveling is becoming more popular compared to the past. This essay will point out several factors for this change and its advantages to the traveller.
Nowadays, there has been a growing trend among students to take a gap of one year before continuing their higher studies. This popularity has both positive aspects and drawbacks, which I would be discussing in detail in this essay.
Social media platforms have gained significant power over the internet, where millions of users have registered themselves at these websites. Firstly, this essay will explain the benefits to people of using these internet sites, and secondly, it will describe the downsides of being a member of such a large network.
In recent years, many parents love to send their kids for foreign language classes at a young age. However, some people have claimed that it is more effective if the children start learning a second language when they are in the secondary school. In this essay, I will examine the pros and cons of learning a new language at the early stage of schooling life.
It is true that travelling abroad has become increasingly affordable, resulting in exponential growth in tourist numbers. In my opinion, while booming tourism offers some benefits, the potential drawbacks are greater.
It is true that nowadays some parents spend sums of money to buy a large number of toys for their children. It has advantages and disadvantages which would be a part of this discussion in this essay.
People today can expect to live a longer and healthier life than individuals previously. Individuals frequently see retirement as a time for relaxation and letting go of the stresses of working life. This short essay will outline two ways this interest may benefit society.
It is widely believed that early ages of children are the most appropriate years in order to learn a new language. Therefore, the majority of students start learning a foreign language at primary school instead of elementary school. As far as I am concerned, this situation has more benefits rather than drawbacks and this essay will discuss both sides with the explanations.
Nowadays, the population of certain countries contains a bigger proportion of adolescents compared to the older people. Despite there are many advantages to this situation, there are also many disadvantages.
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