IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Nuptials are getting larger and more costly. The main reason for this is that people tend to believe that wedlock is a one-in-a-lifetime event and they are to spend to meet their taste and also the standard of the people who they are inviting for the event.
These days, some residents are showing a tendency to discover more about their current accommodation. Security and accurate price evaluation, I believe, are the main motivations behind this inclination, and I would suggest two sound methods for this investigation.
Nowadays, population is increasing day by day to provide shelters to them results in converted agricultural land into commercial or residential centres.It affects adversely on the envy nad the people's lifestyle. This essay will discuss its affects amd will provide some solutions to tackle this problem.
In many countries, an unhealthy lifestyle is a popular phenomenon, causing numerous health problems. In my opinion, there are some main solutions, which need to be considered.
Nowadays, a great number of youngsters opt to go for higher studies in the metropolis, leaving their hometown. There are certain acceptable reasons about this trend. As for me, I believe that the merits overcome the drawbacks.
In this dynamic ,era the medical issues are rapidly increasing in multitude of ways.The entire world is suffering due to pandemics presently.The rapid spreading coronavirus was new to mankind when it was first served in China.However,,currently we have a vaccination against that deadly virus.Therefore I perceive that medications must be tested with an animal then only it has to start to use in human being.The upcoming paragraphs will discuss my inclinations toward the statement.
Modern days generation believe in keeping associate online rather than one in one. Thus, some persons see nothing against this while others are okey with that. This essay will discus both side of views and explain why is disadvantageous.
As time changes things going around also changes, as a result, we see many differences in our and in our parent's generation. There are a lot of things which make many differences in one generation and in the next generation. In my opinion, I agree with the statement and I think the use of the internet and the development of transportation sources are the two main factors, which make a significant contrast between my generation and my parent's generation, which I will explore in this essay.
Nowadays, studying abroad becomes popular for science, mathematics, social humanities, and all students in general. It has been a widespread argument that this trend brings positive and negative impacts. In this essay I will try to identify the advantages and disadvantages of this topic and state my preference.
Television was invented in 20th century, and thereafter it has evolved multiple times from bulky to flat televisions. Lots of entertainment content is created which can be telecast on television.In this essay,I will look firstly at advantages and then highlight disadvantages with the appropriate examples.
Teachers always plays an important role in everyone's life, they help in building a successful career in every field. Hence, a good teacher helps us to become a good human being in the society. Some people think that they can learn better by themselves rather than from a teacher however, some think that learning from the teacher is always better. As far as I am concerned, I would like to learn from a teacher than on our own. I think this way for two reasons, which I will explore in this essay.
Nowadays, some of those who recently graduated from high school opt to be employed or roam around the world before going to university. This essay aims to discuss the possible causes for this and the disadvantages of this preference.
It is certainly true that with the change in time many people are migrating from one location to other. This essay will discuss various causes of travel to other nations as well as possible results of this development on citizens.
In recent years, there is a growing number of people reported that they have achieved a huge success as compared to their well-educated counterparts. Such a phenomenon may arouse people's attention to factors contributing to people's achievement. In this essay, I will elaborate on the reason behind their success and the elements that will affect their accomplishments.
Stress and anxiety become a part of everyone's life. Many people are suffering from strains due to the hectic schedule of work. This essay will discuss reasons and possible solutions to solve this problem.
Some people come to a big town hoping they could get decent jobs and happy life, while others think to move out for some reasons. These people believe there are problems to live in metropolis that would make them considering to live longer. In this essay, I will present my opinion about the reasons of this issue.
Nowadays there is a widely spread opinion that math is not a mandatory school subject and it should not be taught in schools. However, there is another opinion, some parents consider that math should be taught even if it is not used in life. This essay will discuss both these points of view.
Ostensibly, a number of languages are at the verge of extinction because the number of people who speak the languages has gradually decreased. Since it is a threat to the professionals of such languages along with its related cultures, this is not a welcoming trend. This essay will delve deeper into the reasons behind such a phenomenon in the impending paragraphs.
Some interpreters hold this view that elderly people should be independent and live by own, others put forward the argument that it is better for old people to live with their family members. There are some reasons for both groups which are mentioned below.
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