IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Living in a house older than 100 years is not unusual in some countries. Therefore an increasing number of house owners is interested in doing research on historical facts about the homes or buildings they live in. There are several reasons for them to do so as well as possibilities to do the research.
The topic of reuse of resources has become a foremost issue in most countries and hence subsequently this essay is focused on this issue. To an extent, recycling has been very beneficial but on its ,own it is not adequate. I will explore the whys and suggest ways to curb this.
Ostensibly, a number of languages are at the verge of extinction because the number of people who speak the languages have gradually decreased. Since it is a threat to the importance of such languages, this is not a welcoming trend. This essay will delve deeper into the reasons behind such a phenomenon in the impending paragraphs.
Owing to the problem of which age group of people are more valued by the society, some people think elderly people have a high value. In my opinion, I believe young people have the same value as the elderly.
In the contemporary world,where people are always in a hurry and the ownership of private motor vehicles has increased owing to the growth in the living standards, accidents have inclined rapidly. Even though citizens are aware of the importance of traffic laws in delivering safety,the drivers tend to violate the same.The reasonable causes behind this phenomenon and possible solutions are discussed in this essay.
With the advance in technology, there is a significant development in the healthcare sector but first-world nations are encountering a fall in the overall standard of physical health. There are several factors contributing to the problem and in my essays, I would like to state 3 major reasons and how to reverse it.
The trend of learning a foreign language is rising in the air, some of them have their own purposes for this such as travel, work, communication or just to widen their knowledge. However, some groups of people cannot recognize their aim so clearly, and that is why many controversial opinions are born. In addition to the sake of traveling or working in other countries, I think that there are other reasons for being bilingual or multilingual.
The parents are the best guide to the children in any kind of situation. In the present day, a number of parents are pressuring to their children for a successful life. I will discuss, why guiders are doing this and this is the positive impact on the pupils.
With the advancement of the plastic industry, plastic products such as plastic bags, bottles and plastic bags are more and more popular among modern entities. They go to the market and use plastic bags to take their goods back, use plastic bags for trash, drink soft drinks filled with plastic bottles and so on. Plastic products are undoubtedly convenient. However, at the same time, the damage they cost to our environment is more obvious and unignorably. This essay is devoted to detecting and revealing the damage that plastic products may do to the environment and suggesting several potentially workable solutions for governments and individuals.
Innovations in technology have made great contributions to our daily activities like computers, Dishwashers Washing Machines Etc. Although, for a few people the use of the mentioned equipment makes growth difficult rather than making it easier. In this essay, we will discuss both positive and negative aspects with suitable examples.
It is often said that in today's generation, people leaving school are not likely to have a positive attitude toward learning. This essay will describe the main reasons and measures that can be taken in order to encourage learning among them.
With the thought of crimes committed by criminals every year and the punishment they deserve, there are different opinions among the people. However, while some believe that they should get punished for a limited period of time, I agree with those who feel that for all serious crimes there should be a punishment of the death penalty for the criminals.
Nowdays, many individuals tend to work long hours, without or little time leaving to family and hobbies. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this statement and provide logical conclusion.
The majority of the time people wish to spend their lives living close to the place where they are born. The main reasons are due to better employment prospects and the area known to them in better. The benefits are easy access to everything in need with help available in an emergency situation and the drawbacks are fear of failure in life and not experiencing different cultures.
After finishing schooling, young individuals nowadays prefer living away from their parents and in many nations, they often live with their friends on a sharing basis. I vehemently espouse that this is certainly a positive approach to make them self dependent and maintain privacy of their life.
Pollution is everywhere and it is an ever-increasing problem. When we look at the air, it is not clean. Similarly, the most important element of our life water is not even drinkable or marine life is in danger because of the plastic material or nuclear weapon testing. The solution is not as hard as people think it is very simple, individuals and governments need to work together to build a green, healthy living environment.
Nowadays the mass media focuses its attention on the lives of famous people. However, I believe that this is an important thing for media because celebrities are people who inspire and give lessons related to their everyday experiences.
Winning a lottery, which happens rarely, is exciting. With this huge amount of money, one can fulfil its dreams in the way one wants. If I get a chance to win a lottery, I will use that money for both the options, some amount in changing my lifestyle, and will save some amount for a future prospectus. I think in this way for two reasons, which I will explore in this essay.
On the one hand, there are people who claim that college students should be given the privilege of choosing the subjects of study. Usually, the subjects for a particular course are decided by the university. According to these people, doing these courses is not effective and this has to change. If students get the opportunity to choose their subjects, learning will become more interesting for them. In addition, there are students who have talents in many other fields.
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