IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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A highly controversial issue today relates to the rituals of the entire planet are increasingly becoming identical. In this essay, I am going to examine the given question and elaborate on numerous causes and then explain why I believe that it is a positive initiative in the modern age that enables the population of the world to get closer in the forthcoming paragraphs
In some nations, there is a gradual increase in the trend to identify the history of their home. The curiosity to know more about their living area drives some people to investigate the past events in their homes. In the following paragraphs, I explore the different ways to achieve their target and the reasons for such aspirations.
The Internet has revolutionized the world in the most outstanding way. Customers are becoming quite adaptive to using the internet frequently, there is a huge spike in preference for online purchases over offline. I would be discussing the pros and cons of doing online shopping below.
Recently, thanks to the advancement of the technology and globalization, the phenomenon of living in a metropolitan city would do more harm than good to ourselves has aroused a wide range of concerns among various circles and there is a broad spectrum of opinions on living in a famous town. Nonetheless, I vehemently agree with the view that living in a crowded city would undoubtedly bring various negative effects on people. Today I would like to shed light on this topic.
Nowadays, in most sectors, 8-5 jobs have taken a toll on the lives of humans, as they have to work longer hours. This trend is mainly due to an increase in business needs and to cover up for others' work. However, there are a number of solutions to this issue.
House is a place in where you spend most of your time, thus, it should be convient to people who live inside it. Therefore, in some nations, it is increasely popular to discover about the story behind your home. This essay will examine the factors that contribute towards activity and propose some methods to do it.
In a competitive ,environment the majority of the individuals have less time for leisure during their lifetime where happiness is a prominent factor to retain long-term on an occupation. This essay will explore the factors that determine the work gratification and discuss its important for an employee with some relevant examples.
In the modern era, it is generally acknowledged that incomes of stars are more bigger than that of politicians. Due to the fact that while politicians cannot accept money from the public, celebrities have the value of advertising. I strongly believe that these trends are beneficial progress since they can contribute to the country and encourage the ordinary people.
It is generally accepted that working part-time to earn money as a teenager is essential. While this activity may educate youngsters the basics of working and discipline, it can also affect their resting time. Thus, this essay will discuss both views.
A significant number of successful people in the world have left their schools early. This essay will outline why they become more successful than others who finish their curricula and suggest qualities that make individuals to be successful people.
Eating behavior and tight schedule at work are strongly related to household waste particularly in food packaging garbage. In most of countries, rubbish related to food packaging is climbing along the time. This essay will discuss about the reasons behind this issue and the possible solution for it.
Due to increasing pressure and various other circumstances, children find it challenging to engage and concentrate on their academics at school . However , there are certain measures that can be taken to resolve this issue and make learning more fun and enjoyable for admission.
Multiple studies have shown that the risk of death generally decreased as people walked more. Even though we know that walking benefits our health, we still select other ways instead of walking in our life. In this essay, I will illustrate the underlying reasons for fewer people walking these days and outline a way in which this issue can be tackled.
A major number of citizens of some nations around the world are curious to know more about the flat they occupied. With a profound knowledge about their home, they can feel emotionally attached to it. In this essay, why they wanted to have past knowledge about the place is explained, also how they can have this information is elaborated.
The housing issue has always been a pressing one. Many people keep on preferring to live in a traditional mansion, while others in modern apartment buildings. Actually I believe life in a flat is more advantageous due to the fact that this type of accommodation offers better economic and social opportunities.
Nowadays, most individuals spend a lot of time fending for their families at work. This has many reasons behind such as low salaries and an expensive lifestyle. The essay below will discuss the causes for this at length and also note if it has a positive or a negative effect.
The world has become more globalized than before. Language is one the most predominant parts of any culture. It is widely believed by a few public that learning a new dialect is mainly for travel overseas and for their job opportunities. whereas, others believe that those are not the main purpose to learn other tongues. This essay will explain the importance of other languages and their benefits in academics as well as in workplaces.
Due to the competitive era of society and to gain a financially stable life, people in many nations are imparting their duties more than the prescribed office hours. However, this trend can adversely impact working individuals as they may have a lower level of bonding and understanding with their family and extra working can cause them many health issues.
The way in which the language teachers give feedback to their students is causing some debate among people recently. Some people hold the view that the comments from teachers should focus on praises for good points while others think that criticism of mistakes is more important. From where I stand, I believe that both sides are worth paying enough attention to, therefore, young adults will have a well-rounded development.
The group of individuals knows about the difference between children and adults, but one of the questions is that; what kind of events and experiences make children become mature? However, from my everyday experience and observation, I can stand three major events that make a person mature.
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