IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays there is much controversy over the impacts of boarding schools. While some people promote the idea that these types of schools are beneficial due to their diciplines, others consider the lack of families' supports as a drawback that might affect pupils' mental health. Moreover, school-age is a sensitive period that requires a close relationship between parents and children. The following essay will discuss both views.
Nowadays, there is much controversy over the continuity of studying from schools to universities. While some people are promoting the idea that one year gap is necessery in between, others consider the immidiate start of universities. I am convinced that the former idea might result in a better outcome. The following essay will look at both views followed by my notion.
Many educational institutes are seeking the grant from the regime. However, In my opinion, government should use this money for the development of public schools as private organisations are mostly well funded.
Divorce has become a major issue around the globe and the rate of divorce has been increasing day by day. This essay will explore how the isolation of the joint families and the inability to meet daily expenses is the root cause of this issue and how through stronger family bonding and savings this issue can be reduced to a larger extent.
One of the activities that can be good for health is walking therefore in the present, fewer people are walking and there are a few reasons I would like to inform you such as transportation.
Many people believe that sending children to boarding schools may have several advantages for pupils, but others disagree. This essay explains the two different ideas and concludes.
It is more common to see many people not leaving their hometown and choosing to live close to the place they were born, and economical factors play an important role in this matter. Although there are some advantages to staying close to one’s hometown, there are some disadvantages as well.
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over males and females having children late are becoming ubiquitous in some nations. This essay is devoted to underlying justifications and analyzing both the pros and cons of the mentioned discus perspective.
Most people spend a great deal of time in a particular home. It is becoming a trend, in some parts of the world, to know more about the history of the place someone lives in. This essay will discuss what are the causes of such research and give insights into ways of conducting this search.
With the rapid growth of the world population and the shortage of food sources, many nations consider using insect products as additional possible cuisine. On the contrary, It is also believed that eating insects might affect the health of consumers and impact the natural environment. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of eating insects.
Most people say a rich country creates an easy life for its citizens and that most juveniles from well to do nations suffer from obesity. This is because of the cheap availability of junk food and lack of exercise.
Nowadays, people's interest in their homes' past is higher than ever before. There are various causes leading to this phenomenon as well as methods for the research process.
Development of technology these days has enabled scientists and tourists to travel to remote environments which is indeed a positive development and also it has its own pitfall. The forthcoming paragraphs will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of the aforementioned statement.
Nowadays, there are many ways for people to know about the world. In my opinion, the knowledge which we gain from our personal experiences is more important than that which we gain from printed sources. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in this essay.
In this present day and age , almost every parent does not get the respect from their offspring , and this issue has ignited public attention as it badly impacts society. In this essay , I will seek to examine the complex issue.
In this present day and age , almost every parent does not get the respect from their offspring , and this issue has ignited public attention as it badly impacts upon society. In this essay , I will seek to examine the complex issue.
Olympic football game makes the the public known for the city in recent years. A vast number of people have a variant sight opinion about the advantages may give to the country when hosting one of the global events such as sports. This essay will discuss both arguments and provide that with more detail and examples.
Weddings are getting bigger and more expensive. Interesting is considered why this is the case and this topic benefits by luxury weddings can make their customer trust with them. This essay will discuss this below.
In a large number of nations, people ignore the importance of recycling waste materials, including bottles and newspapers, and send everything to landfill. This essay will discuss why this might be the case and how this problem can be alleviated.
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