IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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The world has become more globalized than before. Language is one the most predominant parts of any culture. It is widely believed by a few public that learning a new dialect is mainly for travel overseas and for their job opportunities. whereas, others believe that those are not the main purpose to learn other tongues. This essay will explain the importance of other languages and their benefits in academics as well as in workplaces.
Due to the competitive era of society and to gain a financially stable life, people in many nations are imparting their duties more than the prescribed office hours. However, this trend can adversely impact working individuals as they may have a lower level of bonding and understanding with their family and extra working can cause them many health issues.
The way in which the language teachers give feedback to their students is causing some debate among people recently. Some people hold the view that the comments from teachers should focus on praises for good points while others think that criticism of mistakes is more important. From where I stand, I believe that both sides are worth paying enough attention to, therefore, young adults will have a well-rounded development.
The group of individuals knows about the difference between children and adults, but one of the questions is that; what kind of events and experiences make children become mature? However, from my everyday experience and observation, I can stand three major events that make a person mature.
The population of world getting increase day by day, while it decreases the accessibility of food which is related to population. To provide food to the people especially who lives in, developing or poor countries, the government should find new solutions such as consuming edible insects. However, some may not prefer this consumption, due to its taste or the health effect on a person body. In this essay I will consider both advantages and disadvantages of consuming insects.
Space exploration is a subject which provokes great emotions as well as scientific interest, and at times the two become somewhat blurred. There are strong arguments on both sides of the debate about whether to continue space travel, which we will discuss here.
In our society, some people live most of their lives in an area where they were born and raised. I believe, they feel more comfortable at their home town with their own people. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons and pros and cons of doing so.
These days,food waste has a global problem and a lot of people have not concerned about wasting food,despite knowing that of disposing the food is consume more resources.people tend to throw the food instead of preserving them.This essay will discuss the problem of throwing food and also propose some solutions.
It is rightly said that with the growing advancements in the health care sector, more and more people are living longer. But the question is whether our society is well-prepared to cater to the needs of the elderly. Let us discuss this in detail in the following paragraphs.
Recent research suggest(s) that personal experiences(autobiography, life story, journal) (are) more important than from(from yok) learning what is written in(on) the books(bills, reports). personal experiences(autobiography, life story, journal) inflict (s) pain(acı vermek) to us and (,)generally the pains are bigging us. but according to some (,)people books(reports) say(ing) that what we will live in the future. I partly agree with this statement we are learned some by(from) personal experiences(life) stories although writing(written) in the books(bills, reports).
Because of the growing population a significant need for food is escalating, for this reason including insects in people's diet is an alternative that some people have considered unappropriated because of the prejudicial impact on the environment and the communities health. this essay will explain the advantages and disadvantages of including insects as a food source.
The effects of social media on youth are a well-discussed topic nowadays. Some individuals think that has undesirable impacts on relationships. On the other hand, opponents believe that social sites are favourable and useful for youngsters. In my view, shortages are more than benefits and I will explain them.
The trend of researching the background information of a house or apartment is growing regularly among people. According to me, safety and curiosity are two strong factors behind the inclination and people may use old articles or they can have discussions with the old citizens of the area to grasp knowledge about their house.
Due to the modernisation of ,society a number of large shopping buildings have been constructed ; therefore, the majority of people get attracted to these huge shopping centres. So, it is seen that multifarious local shops have closed due to financial loss as people nowadays like to buy things from malls. This is a negative development because small shops are the only source of income for poor people and customers have to travel a lot to buy daily used products. Further elaboration will be discussed in the following paragraphs along with suitable examples.
There are split opinions about teaching informal subjects such as music in schools. Some people believe that it should be taught in academic institutions as it is an essential component of growth and better human exposure for students whereas, others opine that it would be a complete waste of time and resources. In this essay, I shall discuss both perspectives and give my own point of view.
House or building community lived in is always a must needed for a person, maybe, for this reason, they appear little notice for us at some particular moment. However, as the development of society and living standards improved, people have the chance to look back at their living dwelling, whether rented or own. There must be several attractive histories waiting for us to discover. Despite man's curiosity to find out stories of buildings, there must be some reasons according to culture and personality.
Nowadays, individuals are more curious about the past of their houses or apartments. The percentage of people making research about their history is on the rise. Therefore, this essay will explore the reasons for their interests and which types of methods are available for them to reach their aims.
Nowadays, individuals are being more curious about the past of their houses or apartments. The percentage of people making research about their history is on the rise. Therefore, this essay will explain the reasons for their interests and which types of methods available for them to reach their aims.
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