IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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It is considered by some people that the only reason for studying a foreign language is for travelling or working in an overseas country, while others support the idea that there are various reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. I will describe both views about this topic in the following paragraphs.
In some countries, waste materials are not recycled in the proper amount. This is due to the fact that many undeveloped countries do not have good technology dealing with recycling; they do not tend to recycle but bury garbage on landfills. The solutions are that wealthy countries in the world should invest in poorer countries to help them cope with the problem.
In the contemporary world, juvenile education is a biggest concern in every country. Therefore, some people argue that the subjects must be chosen by children while others insist education should be in a large spectrum containing every subject. I will discuss both views and conclude with my opinion.
Many consider that studying in practice is more effective than in theory. On the other ,hand a lot of students say that using theory is more sufficient. In my point of view exercising what you learn has a better effect because you get to use your knowledge right away.
Nowadays, many schools across the globe permit canteens to sell their packaged food. In my opinion, this has to be banned as it leads to serious health issues and stops child development. In the below paragraphs, I will explore my detailed analysis.
Nowadays, tourism is so popular that a lot of tourists have already got bored by the mainstream countries tourist spots and want something new. Some of them now turn to places that are traditionally less popular such as Africa and Antarticar. This phenomenon brings advantages and disadvantages as well. In this essay I will come accross them one by one.
Social media was introduced to the internet around twenty years ago. It has since gone from strength to strength. Many people initially dismissed social media as a passing fashion. They believed that it would never replace face-to-face communication. There are many downsides to this development, but I believe that overall it has had a positive effect on our lives. One of the main reasons why social media websites are so popular is that they are a very convenient way of contacting friends and family. At the touch of a button. it is possible to communicate with somebody you are close to on the other side of the world. In the past, people were able to speak to each other on telephones but they had to make sure that they were both at home to make or answer the call at an agreed time. Furthermore, if someone is a fan of a certain actor or singer. they can easily message that person and tell them so. In return. the fans can get updates on the films or songs the a...
Due to the development of technology nowadays, a great number of children tend to spend most of their time using electronic devices which can lead to the decline of the number of those reading books for the purpose of entertainment. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons for this serious issue as well as the way to tackle this.
For the previous two decades, some people argue that mothers are excellent at parenting as compared to fathers, for these reasons, they have more responsibilities in bringing up children in almost all societies in the world. While other members of the populace think otherwise, that men are equally good as the women. I strongly believe that both males and females have thesame tasks in child upbring as they together take care of the kids and sponsor their bills.
Over the years, transportation has been a means of movement for individuals in various environments. There's an ongoing argument that more and more people are relying on their private van as their means of transportation. This essay will take an exhaustive look at the various emerging dispute and a solution.
Various buildings contain stories for curious people. On this account, a plethora of people have a tendency to be aware of the history of their living place. Fear of gosts and curiosity are the main reasons why people try to understand about the history of course there are some ways through which they can gather information about the past history of their houses.
An increasing number of people participate in many high-risk sports although they know clearly about these sports' danger. In this essay, I'm going to examine some of the main reasons why people engage in such sports and suggest ways how to reduce these risks.
In the modern world, youth crime is a well-discussed topic. By raising numbers of guilty youngsters worldwide, people have concerned about it. This essay will explain two reasons of youth crime and some solutions for it.
It is often argued by some that universal health care without a fee is necessary, but other people have different opinions. Both views will be discussed, and I believe that the former view is more convincing.
Nowadays, some countries have increased interest in the searching for their own house past.From some point of view, I can say that it is obvious to be curious about their house or building. Because those are their physical and mental shelter and keep. I would like to discuss the reason for this trend and how the people research information about their houses.
As shopping online being more and more popular nowadays, the debate on whether purchasing things through internet is benefit or not has been heated. As for as I am concerned, the advantages can overtake the drawbacks.
There are many individuals who prefer to stay in their birthplace and think it is a rational way to be in a place your ancestors had spent their whole lifetime. But the key question is what impacts this decision has on their lives. Achieving the best answer, this matter is to be put into a larger context.
Recently, it has become notoriously difficult for students to focus on their lessons. In my opinion, this is a partly natural phenomenon that has been exacerbated by technology and the solutions lie in strict restriction and supervision.
Overweight is a condition in which the quantity of fat in the body grows. This type of sickness is becoming more widespread among youngsters nowadays. It is also known as obesity, and it is linked to a major health problems. Let's talk about the causes and consequences of being overweight.
A highly controversial issue today relates to the rituals of the entire planet are increasingly becoming identical. In this essay, I am going to examine the given question and elaborate on numerous causes and then explain why I believe that it is a positive initiative in the modern age that enables the population of the world to get closer in the forthcoming paragraphs
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