Looking out the window, I was doing nothing but thinking—no motivation to do anything. The phone started ringing. Mr. Challenge, again. I took a deep breath and answered. Me: “Hello” Mr. Challenge: “Hi, I have some news for you. Me: “News?..” Mr. Challenge: “News... You will see. You will cry. You will scream because of pain. However, you can enjoy it while shedding tears on your face. All in all, it is up to you how to react to them.” I hung up the phone, wondering about what could happen. I had almost forgotten this call until the familiar voice was in my ears. “Gullola, no need for greeting. My time is short. Have you heard of the Cambridge Presidential School entrance exam with a 0.65% acceptance rate? And I want you to study there as we will be able to meet frequently there. Otherwise, we may not be able to meet up. Bye” I realized that without Mr. Challenge, my life would be reduced to mere existence—simply respiration and breathing. Thus, I entered that school with five mon...