Being in the public eye- such as a movie star or professional football player- has its benefits and its drawbacks. Overall, this essay believes that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The essay will first discuss the financial rewards celebrity brings, followed by a discussion about the lack of privacy, before giving a reasoned conclusion. Celebrities are not only known the world over; they are also fabulously wealthy and this is the primary reason why it is so beneficial. They often become millionaires overnight and this allows them to buy whatever they want for themselves and their loved ones and all for doing something they love. Premiership footballers are a prime example; with most of them being able to support themselves for the rest of their lives, after earning over $50,000 per week, on average, for many years. However, it is often argued that this comes at a price and that price is the destruction of their private lives. Many complain that they can’t...