IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In several nations, there is a perspective from residents that teenagers who have graduated from high school should take on some activities, like working or travelling, for a year before they continue their education at
Young people are motivated to go to work or travel before starting their university studies in some countries, as this gives people to apply practical knowledge and gain more experience in the field. But this also creat
It is undeniable that after graduated from secondary school, many adolescents are advised to take a gap year for working or travelling before beginning to study at university. This essay will elaborate on both advantages
Todays one of the most ubiquitous questions is lessons about morality and favourable behaviour in primary schools and whether punishment for their actions should be taken as an approach that might assist children in beha
It is certainly true that today take a gap year before joining higher education has become popular among people on some nations. In my opinion, this trend can bring merits including, people can gain real experience howov
In recent years, education has attacted the general public's attention. While some people claim that there are many advantages gained from the trend that in some countries youngsters are encouraged to work or travel for
It is widely acknowledged that young population should be explore their abilities such as, work or vacations before enrolling to university. This essay aims to explore benefits or drawbacks of a year education break and
Up to high school, students only study what is given in order to be prepared for university. However, before getting into college the young person will need to make a choice for a lifetime, as this is the moment to choos
It is true that many youngsters in several countries are pushed to take a gap year to travel or possess a job before entering university life. While I believe there are some drawbacks, there are also various benefits to
Up to high school the student only studies what is given in order to be prepared for university. However, before getting into college the young person will need to make a choice for a lifetime, as this is the moment to c
Tees days work and travel important so, some people think that supported to work and travel between terminating high school and being university studies. While others believe that is not necessary to travel or work. This
Before college, many young people are advised that a year of working or travelling may be a good option. This essay suggest that experience gained and money saved are the biggest advantages of this, but delaying careers
Nowadays, there is a trend that some countries support adolescents to take a one-gap period to work or travel during the period between high school graduation and starting university study. This trend would create certai
Nowadays, the majority of students decide to have a gap year after finishing their high school. During this year they can work in order to earn money and pay for their tuition fees, travel for expanding their outlook and
Nowadays, a very common tendency in some countries is that after finishing high school, young people decide to take a sabbatical year before starting university, choosing either to work or travel. In this essay, I will
The meaning of a gap year doesn't exist in every country. There are several countries where young men have military duty if they don't start university education after school, where the length of military service varies
In many countries, it is becoming more common for young people to take a gap year between finishing high school and starting university studies. While some people may view this as a chance to take a break, others argue t
There are pros and cons for students to take a gap year before pursuing further education, whilst youth are able to expand their horizons by travelling and gaining working experience, there are some drawbacks that should
In recent times, around the globe, youngsters are motivated for about a moment to work or travel between finishing secondary faculty and proceeding to tertiary institutions for studies. The merits of this development are
In some nations, the younger ones are advised to work or travel for a year between rounding up with high school and resuming university education. Although it is good and has benefits to work for a year in order to make
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