IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A large number of new jobs are arising such as remote jobs, a good salary has been questionable. Despite many people considerate income as the only important factor to take a job, nowadays, there is a trend that people p
There are a list of employment criteria in current culture. While some highlight the importance of job satisfaction, others emphasise the value of employment security and sustainability. Nonetheless, I feel that in terms
There has been a growing trend of choosing jobs beyond satisfaction rather than security since it can develop not only job motivation and efficiency. I understand this viewpoint, however, I also believe that having a per
Some people harbour a belief that job satisfaction outweighs career security, whilst others hold the reverse viewpoint that having a permanent job is superior to enjoying the job. From my perspective, I am inclined to st
Today there is an intensive debate about what is the most important factor for individuals who are looking for a job. However, some argue that job convincing is a essential factor while another invoke that a job must pro
The satisfaction of occupation is more crucial than occupation security for several individuals, while others argue that permanent work is more essential because people cannot look forward to enjoying the job. In my opin
Many people say that doing good performance in their jobs is better than job security. While others believe that have a steadily work is crucial. This essay will discuss both views of the statement and explain writer's o
Whether to choose a satisfying job or a satisfying paycheck is a great dilemma for young generation. Some of the individual says that a secure job is more crucial than a satisfying job while other think that satisfaction
In this day and age, It is a common thought that job pleasure is more essential than job stable. However, there is a persuasive argument that they cannot always await job enjoyment, and long-lasting work is more essentia
People have different views about whether job satisfaction or job security should be given priority when finding a job. While feeling satisfied with jobs can bring about several benefits, I strongly believe that job sec
Which one is more important, job satisfaction or job security? This is a question everyone should consider before looking for any job. Mostly, people have contrasting views on this. While some agree that job satisfaction
In this modern era, the person has different beliefs about job comfort and the security of their work. Many commentators perceive that duty satisfaction is more important than post-safety. However, others think that a p
Nowadays, people encourage themselves to consume healthy food and exercise regularly. The main factor of this program is to be healthier and avoid obesity. There are several methods to influence other people, which I wil
Some employees consider job satisfaction as the crucial thing that should be pursued, while others are more concerned about job security. There are two contrasting views regarding this which we will discuss here.
In the current age, the job is playing a significant role in our lives. But in the meantime, whether people are supposed to choose a satisfactory job has sparked much debate. Some people believe that job satisfaction ten
While some people argue that compared to job security, job satisfaction is of more importance, others agree that the security of job is more vital. In my point of view, people are able to seek a permanent job which can m
While some people argue that compared to job security, job satisfaction is of more importance, others agree that the sustainability of job is more vital. In my point of view, people are able to seek a permanent job which
In today's world, ideas about jobs are separated into two parts. One category of humanity claimed that starting an individual job is a great way to be autonomous. However, the other side thinks the opposite. They assume
In this day and age, there is a debate related to job demands. Some people assert that job security is more crucial compared to job fulfillment, while others claim the opposite viewpoint. I do believe the latter view as
In today’s world, ideas about jobs are separated into two parts. One category of humanity claimed that starting an individual occupation is a great way to be autonomous. However, the other side thinks the opposite. Th
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