IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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This problem has been talking many years because this context important for our lives. when i look around, most people have this problem and this is such a bad situation. In my opinion the govermant is part of this but
In recent years, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems caused by obesity in the wealthy countries. Among them, a rising rate of overweight children is especially a big issue. In my perspective
There are different opinions about the problem of obesity in children. Some people blame the government for this, whereas others, including me, believe it is the parent’s fault.
Some folks assume that the administrative authorities are responsible for the soaring of overweight in the young generation, In contrast, there is some notion which the source of this drawback is the parents. In this ess
The health of the juvenile’s is suffering due to increase of fat in them. Some people think that the Nation authority is responsible for such consequences, while others think that the parents should have taken care for t
Obesity has become a common issue in today’s world ,especially among children. Many people blame the government for this, while others think it is the parent's fault. Both opinions are relevant but I personally believe t
Some crowds believe that their children`s fatness is because of the government , but others think the parents are the main reason for this problem . On one hand , obesity in children may happen due to neglect from parent
Nowadays, more children are suffering from overweight, also known as obesity, than ever before. Some people blame this on government whereas the others believe it belongs to parents' responsibilities. In my own opinion,
In today's controversial issue, there is an ascending trend in the number of youngsters who have been suffering from being overweight. While some people believe that governments are responsible for children's adiposity i
Children nowadays gaining weight more than in the past. Some people think childrens’ health is the government’s responsibility because they should build parks and spaces to let teenagers play and waste time, whereas I ag
Children's nowadays gaining weight more than in the past. Some people think children health is the government’s responsibility because they should build parks and spaces to play and waste time, whereas I agree with peopl
Everything has two sides for and against and the question if governments are responsible for children's adiposity is not an exception. While others have an opinion that family influences much stronger on underage people.
Everything has two sides for and against and the question if governments are responsible for children's adiposity is not an exception. While others have an opinion that family influences on underages much stronger. This
Obesity and obesity-related illnesses are becoming rampant in our societies as compared to the previous decade. The most common way to turn the tide on the rise in this sickness is exercise. Many people believe that the
There has been an ongoing debate whether the government or the parents are accountable for obesity in kids. Fast food chains have been blooming, therefore, it is undeniable that government plays a role in this cause. Non
The growing obesity rates among juveniles pose the issue of accountability. Although some argue that the government should address the issue, others claim that it is the responsibility of families to instill healthy habi
Nowadays health is most concerning issues at the global level. Few members of the societies think that local authority is accountable for the hike in over weight in teenagers. While this view is supported by some other h
It is important to tackle the growing problem of obesity among kids. While some people argue that it is the responsibility of the government to tackle this problem, in my opinion, parents are responsible for the increase
It is important to tackle the growing problem of obesity among kids. While some people argue that it is the responsibility of the government to tackle this problem, in my opinion, parents are responsible increase in the
As population soars and disease rates follow, health has become a major concern. On the one hand, increasing rates of childhood obesity is held responsible by government as believed by a few people, while a contrary view
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