IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many individuals think that the main advantage of schools is to educate children into good employees and citizens, rather than benefit themselves. This writer agrees with this statement due to its pros in improving the l
Nowadays, the primary target in education schools is for their admission to be good people or employees that help the social better and better, rather than they can achieve individualized advantage. Of course, I totally
There is a common view that school is supposed to produce useful citizens and workers for the future instead of catering for individual benefits. I totally agree with this viewpoint.
It is considered that educating children to be good citizens and workers is more necessary than benefits them as individuals. The writer holds a belief that effective education balances enhancing kids' unique skills and
A section of individuals believes the primary factor of institutions is having a good impact on students to do valuable work, instead of benefiting their selves. This author disagrees that education plays an essential ro
A section of individuals believes the primary factor of institutions is giving good impact on students to do a valuable worker, instead of benefit their selves. This author disagrees that educating plays an essential rol
Educating children at schools is the main aim of training them to be good people and employers instead of advantage them as personality. In my opinion, I lean more toward to the formal statement and will elucidate in the
It is discussed that the schools' priority is to guarantee that children will become good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. This writer quitely disagrees with this statement and will expla
Many people believe that schools should educate children to be nice residents and employees instead of turning them into a beneficial person. This author agrees with this statement due to the priority for the general i
Major people believe that schools should educate the cildren to be a nice residents and employees instead of turning them into a beneficial person. This author agree with this statement due to the priority for the genera
Some say that schools are primarily aimed at turning students into excellent residents and employees rather than seeking personal gain. This author completely agrees with this statement because they are said to pave the
Nowadays, the final destination of academics is always a concern and argued about how it should be. Certain people hold the view that the ultimate goal of schools produce a good population and workers instead of bringing
Nowadays, many humans state that a fundamental role in schools is teaching children to become excellent residents and workers instead of bringing several positive effects on individuals. From my point of view, although
It is often said that schools primarily aim to mold children into productive members of society and the workforce rather than focusing on their individual development and well-being. From my point of view, I partly agree
The role of schools in shaping individuals and citizens is a subject of debate. While some prioritize molding good citizens and workers, a balanced approach must also prioritize empowering students as unique individuals.
In contemporary society, the primary purpose of schooling has been under heated debate. Many people hold the view that transforming students into good citizens and workers is the fundamental goal of education rather than
These days, many individuals believe that the major benefit of formal education is to ensure that members of society become diligent citizens and it enables them to be able to perform their work effectively as members
It is sometimes argued that the main approach of education is leading children to become well-behaved citizens, rather than to bring them benefits as individuals. In my opinion, I totally agree with that viewpoint becaus
These days, some people are assuming that institutions are used for children only purchase to be a good citizens and workers. However, Education can be a most valuable thing for every human being to become a knowledgeabl
In contemporary society, the primary purpose of schools has been under heated debate. Many people hold the view that transforming kids into good citizens and workers is the fundamental goal of education in schools rather
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