IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some one believe that preparing students to be professional in the workplace is the main function for universities and others say knowledge is vital by its own, so using of this is not important. I strongly agree with th
Nowadays, some people hold the idea that university needs to offer students the knowledge and abilities which are required in their later career, while others consider that giving access to knowledge for its own sake is
What knowledge and skills should universities provide has been argued for many years. Some people think that the true function of universities provide knowledge for their own purpose, but nowadays, more and more people p
It has become debatable whether Universities should deliver some essential skills and content which is required at job sites or should provide fixed courses irrespective of their use. In my perspective, the true motive
In this contemporary world, education subject has gained a remarkable attention, it has sparked many debates. Education is imparted through various universities. Some individual believes that college should produce gradu
Some is stated that, higher education institutes should aim to produce graduates who fulfil adequate skills and knowledge for the job market, while others hold the opinion that, university education should target to give
In a modern society that is extremely competitive and individuals struggle to succeed in their professional lives the role of higher education is being constantly questioned. Some people argue that universities should a
In modern society where everything is money centred the role of higher education is being constantly questioned. Some people argue that universities should aim to equip their graduates with certain skills that will enabl
The discussion of what are the roles of post-secondary education has always been in the limelight. Although it is argued by many that universities should satisfy the needs of employment, I believe that the knowledge prov
certain folks around the world argue that task understanding should be tough alongside learning programs in colleges while others believe that the main function of a university is to teach all recruitment in their own sc
It is argued by some that tertiary education should give graduates with the knowledge and skills that have a high demand in the workplace, while others think that universities should give only knowledge without regarding
It is argued by some that universities should give graduates with the knowledge and skills that have a high demand in the workplace, while others think that universities should give only a knowledge without regarding it
Nowadays, more people are struggling to retain their jobs cause of their academics and job skills. In this essay, i will explain how academics and skills are important to continue in job.
To begin, it has been a controversial debate among people who believe universities should foster students in a specific field in order to become dominant in all ins and outs which is related to their major whereas, oppon
Which out of the two education - regarding the knowledge and skills that are required in the company or genuine for educators should be provided by the universities. Both views are easily comprehensible . As far as my kn
Some intend that universities should value educational courses associated with future career enhancement, while others argue that students must opt the higher education courses for gaining in-depth learning without solel
Some people say that due to the importance of employment, the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace should be a crucial part of the curriculum. Others believe that universities are only responsible for preparing s
It is widely believed that universities are responsible to give knowledge and skills obligated for future jobs. However, there is another group of people who consider that higher education's purpose is giving knowledge n
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