IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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This chart illustrates the citizen's expenditure on three categories among different age groups in UK in 2004. Overall, it is clear from the chart that the perentage of entertainment category among age groups of 61 year
the bar chart gives us information about persentage of total spending on food and drink,and restourant and hotel, also entartaiment. between different group of age in UK in 2004 .overall,it can be seen that citize
The bar graph illustrates the percentages of the total money spent on three service types in a certain country in Europe, while distributing the age groups consuming these services.
The bar graph illustrates the percentages of the total money spent on three service types in a certain country in Europe, while distributing the age groups comsunimg these services.
The chart illustrates three different expenses of each group of people seperated by their ages in the United Kingdom in 2004. The chart shows in percentages.
The chart illustrates how the money spent on three categories (food and drink, restaurant and hotel, and entertainment) among several different age groups of UK citizens in 2004. Units are measured in per cent.
The graph illustrates the percentage of costs that five groups of UK people spent on three categories (beverage, accommodation and entertainment) in 2004.
The graph demonstrates the expenditures on three categories, namely food and drink, restaurants and hotels, and entertainment, by various age groups of UK residents in 2004.
The given bar chart illustrates the results of statistical data about the several categories age to spending money for consumer needs such as Food and Drink, Restaurant and Hotel, and Entertaiment in the UK by 2004.
The chart gives us information about the citizen's expenditure in the UK with the percentage of total spending on three different classifications. Food and Drink, Restaurant and Hotel, Entertainment. In addition to the
The spending on three categories among various age groups of citizens in the UK in 2004 is represented by the chart below. Overall, it is obvious that the percentage of food and drink increases as people get older while
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of expenses (on three things) to the overall spending, which categorized by the age groups of UK citizens in 2004. Overall, food and beverages is the highest contributor to the to
The bar provides about the outlay on food and drink, restaurant and hotel, Entertaintment among various age groups of residents in the Uk by 2004.
This diagram illustrates the percentage of expense in three domains among 5 age groups in the UK in 2004.
The given bar chart provide information about the way British citizen spent their money based on some age group on 3 main area of spending in 2004. Overall, for the oldest people the highest categories were belong to foo
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