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This diagram provide the processing of noodles in the factory basically starting from flour until reach packaging.
The diagram visually illustrates the process of producing instant noodles. Overall, the process involves eight major steps that transform flour into ready-eaten noodle cups.
The given diagram shows the method by which instant noodles are manufactured. Overall, the operation can be divided into eight stages, starting with the storing all the raw ingredients in the silos and finishing with lab
The illustration explains the step by step production process of instant noodles. Overall, it has eight stages, starting with storage silos' step until finalizing the packaging step of instant noodles.
The given scheme explains the process of instant noodles production. Moreover, it reveals how this product appears on supermarket shelves. In general, there are eight stages of manufacturing before the final product is d
The diagram explains the way in which instant noodles are produced. Overall, the process consists of eight stages, begin with storage silos and end up with labelling and sealing section.
the given scheme explains the process of finstant noodles production. Moreover it reveals how this product appears on super market shelves. In general, fhere are eight stages of manufacturing The first aperation consists
The diagram illustrates how instant noodles are produced and packed for sellig process in stores in 8 stages, wich i am going to explain in this essay.
The diagram below illustrates the steps involved in the production of the noodles. There are 8 stages in the production, from the flour storage to the final product.
The flow chart illustrates the way in which noodles are formulated. The essay describes the main features and procedure.
The diagram above illustrates the steps involved in the production of instant noodles. The entire process consists of 8 main stages and takes place in an instant noodle factory.
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