Living with another person in same room and sharing belongings with them can be so challenging, It’s better to set some rules early on to avoid future disagreements and conflicts. DOS 1)You must respect each other’s privacy , boundaries and don’t cross the line. Everyone needs to have their personal space so It won’t cause flights between roommates ,specially in dormitories people must study so It’s important not to intrude each other’s privacy. 2) Share responsibilities: make sure to divide chores between yourselves equally for example decide who is taking out trash or vacuuming each week. 3)one of the most important thing is try to adopt yourself with new situation and put up with each other during difficulties .you should try to understand each other and go over things together. DON’TS 1)Don’t borrow or take your roommate stuff before asking. 2) If one of you have a late night Don’t wake anyone up and stay quiet. 3)Don’t play loud music or have friends over If your roomm...