The bar chart shows the percentenge of weekly income used by the family in one country in the year 1968 and 2018. Overall the highest presentege is on food in 1968 and most on leisure time in the year 2018.The others like food,fuel and power,clothing and footware and personal good show a positive state while housing,transport and leisure coming a rise and the remaing catagory stayed still. In 1968,the family sums on food takes highest about 35%,while housing,clothing and footware took on 10%,others like household and personal good ,transport and leisure are the same (about 8%).In contrast, the weekly on fuel and power income was no troulbe for them at 3%. In 2018,the family have change their lifestyle as they cut down food spending at 18% ,upgrade their housing to 19% , spend on their leisure by 22%,costing transportation up to 14%,household goods stay unchanged,Which came to a result that fuel and power,personal goods,clothing and footware have skewwerd down about 5%.