IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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Some people believe that schools do not give enough importance to teach health-related topics. I certainly disagree with the statement as teachers design the school curriculum in such a manner that it covers maximum content on health.
Nowadays, Space Exploration are becoming popular because of growing technology and greater enhancements in advanced tools. For many countries, especially developed and under developed nations are allocating more budget to study solar system in depth. However there are both pros and cons for spending money on this. I will completely agree that this missions should be continued further to improve technology to a greater extent or next level.
I agree, to the point of kids learning the local history first, rather than international. There may be many factors for the reason, but few of them are discussed in the latter part of the story.
There is currently a contentious argument over whether the leap of cyber-shopping will be one day replaced all the retail stores. I agree with this opinion because they are time savers and more convenient for shoppers.
Every individual must learn the concepts of financial management but with time. In my view, children in their teenage should not be burdened with the stress of managing money.
Many believe that government should spend more revenue in field of science study rather than other area.However,I think in overall progress of the nation government should focus on each and every field of learning .
There are three significant justifications why I think that entrepreneurs should provide more holidays for many craftsmen to urge them to work more. First of all, employees can obtain holidays to feel relaxed. Almost all labors go to the office around eight hours per day for many months. Hence, if they do other activities on their leisure days, then they can lessen their stress which has accumulated for a long time. Next, employees can gain some inspiration to improve their jobs or lives. T...
There are several reasons why many students favor to play video games rather than physical activities. The first reason is that some teenagers are lazy to exercise. Therefore, they spend a lot of time playing video games. The second reason is that the weather in Thailand is hot. Thus, they do not want to go outside and do their physical activities. This can lead to health problems in the future. For example, If their bodies lose water too much, they can faint. The third reason is that compu...
Industries must contribute in promoting local traditions and sports activities by conducting games and public events.In fact, expressing support for local society could bring comprehensive benefits to business groups,therefore, I agree that gigantic firms must arrange fitness and cultural promoting campaigns.
An often debated topic is whether countries should invest a substantial amount on international sports competition as this allows a global recognition. However, some people believe financial assistance should be directed to youth sports to reduce crime rate among teenagers. Both sides of these arguments will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion.
There are three significant justifications why I think that entrepreneurs should provide more holidays for many craftsmen to urge them to run more. First of all, employees can obtain holidays to feel relaxed. Almost all workers work around eight hours per day for many months. Hence, if they do other activities on their leisure days, then they can lessen their stress which has accumulated for a long time. Next, employees can gain some inspiration to improve their jobs or live. There are some...
There are three significant justifications why I think that entrepreneurs should provide more holidays for many workers to urge them to work more. First of all, employees can obtain holidays to feel relaxed. Almost all workers work around eight hours per day for many months. Hence, if they do other activities on their leisure days, then they can lessen their stress which has accumulated for a long time. Next, employees can gain some inspiration to improve their work or live. There are some ...
In recent time,people are beginning to lean towards a more compact family compared to a large one.There are several benefits and drawbacks to this.
Modern world today,it is sometimes believed that zoos are serving no purpose; however, I completely disagree with the viewpoint as these have relevant position in society .These institutions educating and entertaining the public and protecting animals from extinction .
Smoking at public place has banned in many countries whereas there are some countries still allow their public to continue without any punishment. Society is divided into two regarding this topic.In my opinion ,I strongly believe that public smoking has to be punished.
Modern world today, advertisements are ubiquitous and almost all business sector would advertising their products for the great success. However,this trend would stimulate sales and make them have the huge profits to their companies.At the same time failing in the family budgeting and creating the feel of deficiency among customer are the two main drow back of this.
Technological advancements, nowadays, raise the standard of living of the people.They utilise modern technological devices to fulfil their needs and to attain knowledge.In olden times, books were the only source of information, but nowadays many things like internet, movies and different sources with visual representations are available.Both books and computers are useful in their own ways.
Arts depict socio-cultural values of country. People think that government should spend budget on other activities than arts. I believe, even though spending money on other matters to stabilize economic state of country, government should also invest money on arts to represent its culture around the globe.
Some people in which category i belong, believes it is paramount to maintain a neatly arranged home and workplace whole others have contrary opinions. Consequently, In my view, constantly having an orderly environment is beneficial for hygienic reasons, easy retrieval of items when needed as well as the minimal possibility of accidents.
One of the most serious health problems of modern society is obesity. Many believe that by increasing the hours of physical activity in the school, this problem can be solved. I strongly agree with tis idea as the children can be healtier by doing more sports and meeting a variety of exercises with new curriculum.
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