IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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Celebrity’s across the world are widely respected and also privileged over their social status and contributions towards society and state. It is true that, despite social position and massive popularity, sometimes they are humiliated and assaulted. A substantial numbers of people believes, the ‘celebrity’ identity brings more advantages while others opines the vice-versa.
The growth in the world population leads to destroying the planet and facing more and more environmental problems .some people including me argue that extinction in specific species of flora and fauna is the major environmental problem, while some believe that other environmental issues are more pressing.
Every age group experiences a slighlty different culture and traditions because they are constantly changing. This is because some cultures are more dominant and force the other ones to change. Countries must protect their cultures at least on paper by teaching the children on their traditions and values.
From the beginning, grandparents are imperative and plays a crucial role in every family, they are the root of heritage. But nowadays in the contemporary era, teenagers hardly spend many time with their parents. This essay will examine the reasons why adolescent do not spend quality time with grandparents and the worst consequence of this.
Talent in different fields such as sports or music is generally believed to be inherited genetically while there are some who argue that talent can be acquired, honed, and developed. I am of the opinion that both these perspectives are correct and at the end of the day the common denominator for talented people is still hard work.
Many students every year travel to English-speaking countries for education. They want to study in English to widen their opportunity of employment and also be internationally recognized. Let us see more in detail about it in this essay.
It is always argued that job with high wages is more advantageous than a job that is reaally appealing. I strongly disagree with this satement and I believe job satisfaction is much more important than salary.
Studying online has become most popular means of learning. As the year goes by, more students prefer studying online than going for classes on campus. This essay will discuss the reasons why this is happening and possible ways of solving this issue.
Over a long period of time, people often debate whether it’s appropriate for adolescents to master the skills of money management. While a school of thought strongly affirm to this, others believe it is unnecessary venturing into such life lessons at a young age. In my opinion, I strongly agree, and this essay will further analyse how young people can be financially dependent and also help encourage business plans.
Professionals such as doctors and teachers are moving into developed countries, leaving their poor countries behind. The number of professionals which are doing this is increasing day by day. But it can cause problems for both countries, which will be discussed in detail in this essay.
Functions of zoos have become an issue of broad interest to the general public, especially conservationist. There is a striking controversy as to whether zoological gardens should be cease operation due to cruel and inhumane matters or they continously operate for the sake of animal protection. To the best of my knowledge, I support the view that wildlife should be kept in capitivy at zoos.
There is a question of whether the significance of English as an international language would be lost or increased with the rise in globalization. In my opinion, I consider that the significance of English language can only increase, as it's the world's number one language and quite easy to learn.
Children learn a lot from their parents than they would from the school. In this essay, I would discuss the reasons why we should not leave good home training to the school.
Now a day, Student is doing better prepared to get the good college because the aim of good colleges to give the knowledgeable and quality student. I believe that knowledge is important to get better job with it should helpful for the society.
Now a day, Student are doing better preparation to get the good college because the aim of good colleges to give the knowledgeable and quality student. I believe that knowledge is important to get better job with it should helpful for the society.
Several individuals believe that video games play a vital role in education as well as entertainment. Others consider that they exert a detrimental impact on players. Personally, although this trend is not without advantages, the downsides will justify these.
As we all know that educating children is the top most priority of any family. The Future of any country depends on the children.Nowadays, few individual's thoughts that child can get an education by staying at home while others think that they should go to school to study.
According to some people, spending free time by watching a particular sport is just killing precious time. However, I disagree with the statement as in my opinion it is a useful activity and has many benefits of its own.
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