IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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Recently, travelling by flight Is not preferred by some individuals due to air contamination and exhaustion of the universe fuel resources . Therefore they think travelling by air should be minimized while others believe otherwise.In my opinion, commuters should be encouraged to travel by air while moving from one place to the other, to reduce tiredness of the body and less accidents , which is experienced while travelling by road.
The gifts, which are given, depend on ages of the receiver such as toys for children and dresses for old lady. Moreover, some people believe that the best gifts for teenagers are money. On the contrary, others people disagree. I strongly agree with the statement and discuss both points of view.
I am writing this letter to discuss about an online training on the Spring Framework. This course is available on edutech website, Udemy. The program taught by the reputed professor Steven Smith, who is also regarded as the father of Spring Framework.
In the modern era, People are having abundant options is the view of the few persons. In this essay will discuss about the positive and negative impacts in detail. In my opinion, the Universe is witnessing a huge number of alternatives.
In the recent research, It has been proved that human activities create major problems to plant and animal life. This essay will first suggest that one of the problems caused by people was construction of industries in forest area and amend regulation law as the most viable solution .The essay further discusses the problems and solutions associated with that.
In the recent research, Tt has been proved that human activities creates major problems to plant and animal life. This essay will first suggest that one of the problem caused by people was construction of industries in forest area and amend regulation law as the most viable solution .The essay further discusses the problems and solutions associated with that.
Most people argue that high-level positions in companies have a male predominance, just because they are males. On the contrary, a lot of successful companies nowadays are led by women. Putting a law in action to allocate a certain amount of manegerial positions to women is something I won't be in favour of.
Some people think that any citizen who reaches the age of 18, he/she will be capable of holding driving license and can drive a vehicle on his/her own. Others think that it’s too early to allow those youth to drive and they can’t be permitted to drive unless they become 25 years old at least.
As you are the listed contact of customer service for Homegrown Fabrics, I write to you regarding an incomplete delivery of order number Z111-563-90. Last friday, I placed an order for a hand woven silk scarf and a silk tie through the website of your company. The order was delivered today, but to my surprise the box was missing the bow tie.
It is considered by some that families moving to other countries in search for greener pastures can give advantages to children. However, others disagree. In my own opinion, I believe that children can benefit more to immigration.
Hand written examination is not only the mode to check pupils performance but assessment such as course work and projects are also very crucial . I partially agree with the given statement and following paragraphs will discuss both views
The bar chart illustrates the proportions of academic staff percentages in faculties by gender in 2012.
People are eating more ready made food than they did many years ago. This is because of hectic lifestyle and many are more career oriented than in the past. By having processed food, it can cause health related issue.
The most problematic issues in metropolis is related to traffic congestion. Why is this happening, and, tackling what procedure can assist?
Nowadays, the application of phones has been changed significantly sending text messages more than talking. It is necessary to know the root causes of this trend in order to tackle its impacts effectively. There are some reasons why today's people prefer to use text messaging more than dialing the phones. The obvious explanation is the easy way to contact each other with a very cheap price. Another factor is the scarcity of time to m...
Overpopulation is the biggest problem that many metropolitan around the world are facing. It causes huge problems to urban area, both in physical and social aspects so it should to have mitigation to solve this problem which I will suggest in this essay below.
People have different perceptions towards the topics to be included in school curriculum. Some propose that it is better to teach students about the course of parenting while others oppose and argue that it is a waste of time. There are firm reasons why students should be taught to be a good parent. If the young people have the knowledge regarding the best measures ofnurturing a child, it will bring tremendous advantages to the indiv...
Today more than ever the health problems are becoming extremely urgent. There is no secret that smoking, as on the most popular bad habbits, causes a number of diseases such as lungs cance, heart attacks and others. As goverments have been struggling with this issue for many years, the problem solution question remains: how to make people give it up?
A few peoplelike to buy new technological gadgets such as phones and laptops. This is a positive development as it broadens the knowledge of people and bridhes the generation gap. These points are disscussed in detail in upcoming paragraphs.
In the last decades, technology evolved considerably, bringing positive impacts in the lives of people. I believe that technology brought good changes to peoples daily lives, such as more comfortable and health, and furthermore in communication and transport methods.
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