In my opinion, Govrement can make the street more propriat to them. For example: they can put for blind people the road with their languageon on the ground , and make the trafic light with sound so they can hear it. They can walk easily without help and feel more confident in thier self. In adition, make a car parking infornt of store especially for disabled people. Also, Buliding must be suitable for them , the steers or elevater. In point of my view, its be amazing if there in every district a person who know the hand's language to help deaf people in what they needs. For the funds and gaining mone , there is some way that will help. First, make event where peolpe or disabled people espically sell things and gain profit for the government .second thing which is good for comunity , if they asks school and universit to bring student and parents and teachers to volunteer its has many advantages. Students and parents spend time together and student learn to help others without waiting...