In the contemporary era, a group of people opine that it is not required to teach adolescence the skills of calligraphy, while others deem that it is quite useful to learn how to write. I believe that it is vital to hone your skills in handwritten techniques since it has a myriad of benefits. I will substantiate my views along with an example in the following paragraphs. Education is crucial for survival. Practice and experience have always been the engine to the humankind’s evolution. First of all, by writing neonates not only can express themselves better but also can imagine more as compared to typing form of education. In addition to this, typing neither helps the amateur to imagine more nor does it allow their brain to develop. Secondly, good handwriting not only makes the essay neater but also make it sound better. For instance, good handwriting skills helped many students gain higher marks at school as compared to others. Although, handwritten material is availab...