In the old days, the clothes indicated the sophisti.cation of the cunor oved Ris Socal stales, whareby ppla used to value dle pacson cccording to fas clolhas and clistingushad for any high position he was in. However, there cencepts began to changa in ha twerdy-First Contry, where these aspects remainad confinad toa few who still we in their days that ended.Other han these Concuts cae from busine ss men and awnors of the highast funancial reu enue , where thap waar simpla clathes tlat don't indicate how rich thay are Where in their opinion, the quolity of your wanh should be beter noh outward appaaranca, Suchas Steue Jbs, wha was your considarad one dA the richest peopla un the world Where he used to meet fis employous in his conferences with simple clobes, he cicwt undicute that he uos rih, bit rahera veny simpla Person.